
So we’ve got Frances McDormand, Willem Dafoe, Anjelica Huston, Adrien Brody, Benicio del Toro, Jeffrey Wright, Tilda Swinton, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, and holy shit, Henry Winkler in a Wes Anderson film... and you’re going to watch it for “French Timmy”? I admire this kid’s career choices greatly, but yikes compared

This entire ecosystem, which appears to be getting bigger every day, was bankrolled and built by people who have concluded the only way to reform the system is to build another one where the simplest form of healthcare is a saleable and aspirational experience, not a service. And definitely not a right.

Um, yes. Since when is being a McKinsey alum a good thing? Advising companies on how to screw over their employees to maximize profits is hardly the type of things liberals would love. Mayor of a small town with racial issues he can’t discuss would be the top of the list for me. 

Heaven forfend people vote for Warren who is progressive AND knows how to get shit done when you can split the vote between a progressive who has never done legislative shit (let’s be real, Bernie’s great at campaigning but he’s no doer)

Because popular vote has absolutely nothing to do with results in a caucus (it’s all about delegate apportionment), because caucuses are inherently undemocratic and disenfranchising.

He’s not in his 70's trying to take on an incredibly taxing job for starters. I’m a Warren supporter but even her age gives me pause.

Biden was the huge front runner in polls this summer and early fall. How’d that work out?

There was no popular vote in Iowa, it was a caucus, a very different thing. (And if you wonder why we caucus still in 2020, ask your candidate. Any momentum to get rid of them this time was quashed by Bernie himself.)

Because delegates are won by congressional district, so winning two close districts is better than winning one blowout. The candidate that performs the most consistently across the entire state ends up with the most delegates.

Because Berne and his Bros at the DNC pushed hard to keep caucuses after 2016?

A win is a win. But I wonder if anyone in his campaign is worried that he’s been running for years and promising this “revolution” with this massive increase in voter turnout...and this “revolution” keeps topping out in the mid-to-upper 20's. Yeah, it’s a crowded field in literal numbers, but most of the other

Seriously? He literally has a heart condition and is almost an octogenarian. If he was your father, grandfather etc and you cared about him would you want him to have the most stressful job in the world? Yet those who love him are cool with that because Us means him and/or whoever he decides to have as a running mate.

I’m still in for Warren as well. It’s two small-ish states. The country has -not- spoken.

I’m still backing Warren and I hope she stays in (live up to that “nevertheless, she persisted” thing.....remember that? Seems like a decade ago). I’m hoping these two states are a fluke. I mean.....Buttigieg and Klobuchar? Where did they come from? If we’re going to be stuck with a bland, middle of the road

I have the opposite impression. Bernie only getting 26% in a state he dominated last time, where he has 100% name recognition, says to me he is going to have a very very hard time building a coalition that gets him to 50%. Particularly with the fact that he seems to have picked up zero support from Warren’s collapse.

Here are the only possible outcomes:

Ugh. Look, I’m totally going to vote for whoever gets the nomination, and as much as I hate it, it looks like it’s gonna be this old guy. But man, I have absolutely no faith that he can beat Trump. Like none. White American isn’t gonna vote for a Jewish socialist, it just ain’t gonna happen. The moment he gets the nom

Ugh, no. She knew who Jeffrey Epstein was, and she took his money anyway. She is defending Andrew as the best man she knows, all while she knows he is shady as hell. She is all about how to get money and status for herself. I do think that back in the day the tabloids treated her badly, but she is not a good person.

So, while you are less likely to have vaginal tearing with a csection, it’s major abdominal surgery and they have to cut muscles and nerves. Nerves freaking hurt when they grow back. Weeks of random incredibly painful zaps. It’s been 4 years, and while you can’t see a scar on my skin, I can feel it through my skin.