
Collins always seems surprised to find that she's a US senator and then further surprised that people want her to answer questions about her job as a senator. 

I don’t understand. If his 12 year old son sees the show and gets sexually excited, wouldn’t that be a good thing? I would think that all homophobic parents would want make their adolescent boys watch it just to be sure they pitch a tent and are growing up straight.

if shakira gets sued she won’t have to swear under oath, since her hips don’t lie

You’ll be hearing from my lawyers.

Almost no one gets convicted of rape and it’s not because the vast majority of those accused didn’t do it.

Then why did her rape kit come back that she had very obviously been raped?

For the last time, whether you’re really good at basketball, or making movies, or beloved family sitcoms, or cooking food, or comedy, you still don’t get to rape someone. And if you do, people might bring it up.

My mom is also a cancer patient (in maintenance, not curable) and the album came out when we got the news that it was back. I’ve only listened to “Soon You’ll Get Better” once because I can’t take it. I also got super upset when the news came out a couple weeks ago about Taylor’s mom having a brain tumor, because I

“You’ll Get Better” and “Daylight” are gut-wrenching beautiful. “Delicate” was also my favorite off Reputation, though, so maybe I’m not a great judge.

My daughter is 18, and she's lived for Taylor Swift for most of her life. As a parent, of course, her life is pretty much my life. I'm a 50 year old guy who unapologetically loves Taylor's music, and "Soon You'll Get Better" is emotionally devastating.

You’re sticking up for a literal physical abuser who has committed actual crimes, while calling TS a snake? I hate TS and her celebritydom, but thinking Cardi B is better than her is laughable.

Asking the important questions for sure.

I have seen every film nominated except The Irishman (half way!) and I can say with pretty much certainty every single film deserved to be nominated and seen by as many people possible. As they are all genuinely great. I do think Parasite is the best of the bunch but the hatchet job these “reviews” being it joking or

Based on the still alone I knew this was going to be the one film Joan didn’t shit all over.

It’s nice that some people that can afford to take a whole day off

These runs are more of a curiosity watch for me. I used to dislike them and now I’m into them to watch how much people can break games to do what they want to do. Some of them are really funny!

hmmm ok I followed up to see the 9/11 comment and that is a REAL stretch to claim she called for that, to the point where I think it’s mean to imply it. She shouldn’t have her name associated with “pro 9/11" just because she was snippy about a Pitchfork review

I agree, just for the love of God, do not make me have to go into a voting booth and fill in a square next to Michael Bloomberg.

Bringing your own cooler of Bud Light seems like a very valid reason to be barred from ANY club.

The “fuckery with her and the DNC” is almost entirely Russian propaganda.