
I kind of hate myself right now. I try never to judge anyone on their looks, but I swear, Jared Kushner is a robot. The only thing on his face that moves is his mouth. His eyes blink, but it’s nearly perfect intervals of time, and too fast for me to keep up without getting a headache. (Yes I tried, and now that I’ve

Oh friend, I’m so sorry. I’ve had really similar experiences. PCOS is the fuckin’ worst for this, and so few doctors seem to care about it.

LOL- I went to look this up and the first main Google image you get for “john casablancas” shows the lead singer’s father hanging out with Trump.

What the fuck???

There’s a fun irony in the fact that the Strokes is all in for Bernie Sanders. Nothing against the band itself—they’re kind of great some of the time—but that band is a bunch of trust fund kids who were handed basically overnight success thanks in no small part to the fact that their parents had crazy connections.

Oh Hell No!

Jesus Christ, thats terrible!

If you can’t figure out whether or not it’s sarcasm, I can’t really help you.

And since when is reporting something THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED a “violation” of anything? Seems the rape victim was the only one violated here.

Listen, he had three or four daughters and then realized rape is bad. Why can’t you people understand that and just let it go?

Tetrachromy only occurs in women

I liked Ross at the time the show was on. Then I re-watched many years later and found his character was pretty mean and controlling, especially to Rachel about her job and interests. You think fashion is stupid. Fine. Don't be a smug dick about it though.

Salmon has an orange/yellow undertone.  This pink does not.

Pastels are tints because you’re adding white, but yes. Carnation is not a colour either, and honey that suit isn’t coral. How do you say it’s def not salmon but might be coral? I will disagree with all of these colour suggestions. The suit is a cool toned pastel pink.

Also, tetrachromats are almost exclusively genetically female because it involves duplication of a gene on the X chromasome. Tetrachromats are also most likely to be daughters of men with anomalous trichromacy (color blindness). Tom being a male tetrachromat would make him a freaking unicorn.

I’m not sure Pantone gets to be the arbiter on this. They may be recognized as the authority on color, but they have 12 colors with mauve in the name and none are just straight-up “mauve.”

“upon review, Sonmez’s Kobe Bryant tweets were not in violation of their social media policy after all.”

I will often claim I am wearing a variation of a standard color just to be slightly obnoxious. It’s not green, my friend, this is chartreuse. Purple? I think you will find that it’s actually wisteria. Pink? It’s mauve, bro. Just having a bit of fun.

Ugh, why can’t victims of sexual assault just talk about sexual assault at a time that’s more convenient for me as a person who’s never experienced it, such as never? Why must I be forced to consider the humanity of others? When will this nightmare end for me?

It is the job of reporters to place events in proper context. It is not their job to facilitate the easiest, most comfortable emotional reaction to events. It is not their job to facilitate the grieving process by smoothing over the rough parts; they are not grief counselors.