
AOC’s wine red pussy bow moment.

Now playing

Oh thank god. Now, how will each influencer be notified of their cancellation? (I’m voting for exploding glitter stink bombs)


I was willing to give him a pass until I read that he used a bat. Punching the guy would have been understandable but the only person you get to use a weapon on is the rapist (just claim the attack was consensual). 

Regardless of your mistake I think your point stands, walking out was incredibly unprofessional. We all have to eat shit at work some times and keep moving forward, this should be no different. I’m not without sympathy for him though; instead of walking out he should have finished the interview and informed them he’d

I did not leave it out. It’s in the graf after the 2015 Fresh Air excerpt.

It really irritates me that Rebecca left out the part where the Fresh Air producer said that they let Driver know in advance when the clip was coming up, prompted him to remove his headphones, and had the producer in New York (where Driver’s part of the conversation was recorded- Terry Gross records in Philadelphia)

This is not at all the same thing. 

Are/were priests allowed to have regular porn just not child porn?

Re: those lotions with lactic acids, like AmLactin. Beware putting it on skin that’s about to be exposed to the sun as you’ll be lots more likely to burn.

Re: those lotions with lactic acids, like AmLactin. Beware putting it on skin that’s about to be exposed to the sun

It feels like there is a new post every day on Jez about Cats. It’s like some new form of promotion that’s like negging, but to get you to see movies.

Oh boy, I think I found out about The Aristocrats in college and I was still too young for it.

Like, I used to love The Aristocrats, but then these cats were just so not cute.

In this particular case, if what she allegedly did was true, I doubt Google will have a hard time on her case specifically. Not sure about the rest though.

A personal messager with nightly pole dancers.

Because you are basically saying bribery and corruption arent bad enough to send someone to jail for, while there are plenty of people sitting in jail for minor drug offenses. They paid half a million dollars to bribe an athletic coach for a sports scholarship for their daughters that didnt even want to go to the

“the Bay had its own subway system, but it was mostly three broken lines, one sort-of-good one, and one that you only took if you were going to a baseball game”

I don’t have anything made with leather or canvas. I have a degree in art history, an eye for design and I’ve been collecting 50ies pieces for years. I know what I’m doing, but thank you for mansplaining something I’m an expert at

SO much of my apartment is West Elm so I feel like I need to FIGHT but POINTS WERE MADE