
I honestly don’t think she does.

Also Pete’s assertion makes zero sense. Private companies would continue to exist if there was Medicare for all because there will always be people who want extra benefits the public system doesn’t have. You know, LIKE THEY ALREADY DO IN THE COUNTRIES THAT HAVE SOCIALIZED MEDICINE!

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Michelle Obama?

As a person of Jewish heritage here, just let me say that conflating the ancient, beautiful, multivalent traditions of Judaism with the rooted-in-modern-European-ethnonationalism settler-colonial state of Israel is antisemitic as fuck.

They’re paid shit for the job. Consequently, all the people willing to take the job are shitty people who suck and life and take it out on you.

I had a really weird experience the last time I was selected for random screening. I knew what to expect so when she went into her verbal spiel, I waived the preview and said she could just get started. And she got SUPER PISSED at me. I got pissed because it was 4:45 AM and I had an unreasonable bitch snarling in my

Oh but I love the fact that women getting the right to equal entry to a public establishment immediately means all men are neutered and “following around a female presidential candidate” EYE ROLL EYE ROLL EYE ROLL man your penis must be so tiny 

Men would freak the fuck out if the situations were reversed. In fact I was once denied entry to a strip club in nyc as part of a group of women. The nasty bouncer claimed women have this own spaces like “female only hotel floors” not understanding that women have those floors because men assault them. 

Weird, since women are the ones on stage.

You and I both must be close to death.  Just like Johnny’s mother.

The character of Julian couldn’t have been any more perfectly written, cast or acted. While I love Hahn, I’ve seen her play this kind of role so many times I know she can do it in her sleep, but Owen Teague and his beautiful seahorse face and long fingers and awkward slouch are really appealing to this old woman in a

I think you need to start saying exactly what you said here: “I’d love to talk about Kara Walker or Tracy Emin, because I’m only vaguely aware of Donald Judd”. If they’re actually so well-versed in art, they’ll know Walker and Emin. If they don’t, use it as an opportunity to teach them. You know more than you think :)

“In time you’ll drop dead and I’ll come to your funeral in a red dress” is one of those lines that I’ve always secretly longed for the opportunity to use in real life. One day...

Right? We are calling Moonstruck, for which Cher won an Oscar for best actress, Olympia Dukakis won one for best supporting actress, and it won best screenplay, “underrated”? It was also nominated for best picture and best director.

Every few years I forget that narwhales are real and then embarrass myself by telling someone they are made up. 

I honestly feel for that letter writer. I’m a state college graduate born of state college graduates who is now in an LTR with someone whose entire family “went to college in Boston”. I don’t consider myself dumb at all but the sorts of topics they are most interested in discussing are not on my radar. For instance:

Thank you for reminding me this website’s target audience is half my age. 

actually i don’t find the lemons/limes question that preposterous - my friend recently found out that red, yellow, and green bell peppers are the same pepper at different stages of ripeness.

I enjoy playing a character that’s a *hard* right conservative Christian. It’s fun to see people’s reactions when their own ideas are taken to extremes. But it’s a careful line to walk to not end up inspiring someone.