
I had this discussion yesterday when the article said the author was “shocked” when a 3 seed beat a 14 seed. The seeding has to be random.

Well, Vapes is still in the running, but the other three #1 seeds were all knocked out in the first round, which is likely the biggest proof that these things were just randomly generated from some bracket app. 

I’m inordinately proud of this:

I think it’s just that not a lot of thought was put into this.

If we all collectively agree that Vapes will win (lose?) this tournament, can we get a promise that Esther Wang will never write a stupid article about how much she loves vaping ever again?

Y’all are really voting to cancel a dog over Bill DeBlasio and Joe Biden? Dogs can’t help if they’re owned by soulless bog mummies.

Vapes (1) or Soulcycle (8)

I really don’t understand how Ivanya’s Nazi Dog won out over Joe Biden. That makes no sense to me.

So, can someone explain if it’s been a) 100% appropriate or b) atrocious planning that all the top seeds are gone already? My irony sensor is broken from the idea of this tourney in the first place with all the double negative meanings.

If you liked Goodfellas, you’ll like The Irishman. But you’ll like Goodfellas more than The Irishman.

You see the Brett Kava-nope expression on his face at 0:11, as he closes in for that killer move, guaranteed to make all his 55 year old bros high five. To him, her ass was a golden opportunity to be king of the kegger. It’s just locker room talk, with hands!

ok so Im an elementary teacher and I am struggling to see the value of this assignment period. Like how is naming the price of slaves contributing to anything this person was trying to teach? She could have had them research the historical price of things and used that for wherever this assignment was going and that

“My name is Tommy Callaway, and I managed to have a long, intimate relationship with an adult woman and raise two little girls without ever once considering how fucked up it is to treat a woman’s body like public property. That proves what a good guy I am, right?”

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

The fact that he lawyered up instead of just apologizing really says a lot.

“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”

he, “did not act with any criminal intentions”

So if I get a wife and kids I can assault people? That’s the defense?

I used to work as a garbage collector during college, and people would typically tape a Christmas card to the can if they couldn’t hand it to you in person. It was probably only 10-15 stops per route that tipped, and that was in the suburbs. In the city I’d just skip it and not worry about it if you can’t hand it to

If you can’t tip your mail carrier at least 20% of the mail you receive, you can’t afford to get mail.