It screams "Kardashian."
Almost $10K feels like Daytona IROC R/T money.
do not feel it was a reasonable replacement for our show-winning, pristine,
You're clearly missing the (year and a half old) joke: with their faces blurred out, it makes them look like they'd been on the back of Petrino's motorcycle, because, you know, Petrino wrecked his motorcycle. Nothing to do with their virtue - I'm certain they're all saints.
Yuengling Premium Lager... is an American pilsner?
Beat me to it.
Hurst Hemi Dart. Pretty good rundown here:…
she nevertheless won a state title at a meet where, [] informs us, competitors ate pork chops for breakfast.
The Dolphins agreed to this as a way to promote their latest charitable endeavor, distributing face masks to the local homeless population.
I understand it's necessary, but man, that cage looks like shit.
you had to be present at the stadium to see and hear the delay
Considering recent events, it's nice that Miami was able to end the long weekend with a happy face.
The Angels are looking for keys, eh? Has anyone checked Nick Adenhart's chest?
I think they're so good at pretending to like shit that they've crossed over into genuinely liking it.