Indiana Bones

Meh. The B story was weak and the 'handy man' joke got old real quick. Using Drake's music is more pandering to the youth market. Ugh

I think it's a shame Lucas spent his whole life making these movies

Wow. Bart falls for yet another older girl who isn't into him. Snooze. Get some new material, lazy Simpson's writer's. Cancel this awful show already

McHale is really just bloated and bored now. He was great in last week's episode, but that's an exception. And poor Gilian Jacobs is literally flailing around being bizarre and unfunny. I think the actors and their characters have outgrown the show

Two major problems with this episode. Why didn't the study group (I don't really know what they are now) tell that Gupta guy that he wasn't funny? They're defending the free speech rights of some loser that no one even wanted to see. They let him belittle Fat Neil (even as his put downs weren't as good as Pierce's)

It's not really fun anymore imo. What made the show great was the chemistry between the study group. They all liked each other and you could't help caring for them. Now they seem to be going thru the motions. Jeff seems cynical and sad, Abed is adrift, Annie is a humorless control freak and Brittany seems to just

Turk is black in the comic, but thankfully the tv version is less of a conniving, cowardly stereotype that Frank Miller gave us. Curtis-Hall is perfect as Urich. I was pleasantly surprised to see him in the role.

Who cares whether Ellison is a nuanced character? It's not his story that we meant to care about, is it?

I agree that the show is a bit ponderous, but that doesn't mean it's not good. The writing is intelligent and rings true in the reality of the show. It's as much a legal drama as an action thriller. I consider this to me an R in that you see some graphic and brutal fights, bones breaking, objects piercing flesh ( a

Britta seems a bit superfluous, kind of like a chicken with it's head cut off still trying to get attention. They seem intent on humiliating her even more then usual. Joel McHale looks bloated and bored, but the show is still somewhat amusing

This show is snooze worthy. The characters consistently make bad decisions and blah blah blah. Please cancel asap

What are you even talking about? Your statement is so badly constructed, it makes no sense.

More crap. Cletus and his hillbilly trash family is only funny in small cameos. Gil has never been funny. That teen girl is not funny. Stupid friggin show

Snooze. I fell asleep 30 minutes in, woke up at the 47 minute point. Disappointed that I missed Regina King. So far American Crime is humorless and ploddingly slow. These characters have zero personality or true life to them. They exist t represent specific racial types and that is it. They don't feel real. This show

You're giving the series creators too much credit. I am not offended. I just don't think it's funny

The last two episodes were amazingly stupid. Reminds me of why I hated 30Rock. Selfish, nearly brain dead characters, like Kimmy's moron of a stepfather. Who couldn't seen that the women would get trapped in the bunker again? Duh. And the courtroom shenanigans had me rolling my eyes. The show was so good, but

She looks good. Her eyes seem so big now

The second episode meandered too much imo. The virtual reality stuff was a bit self indulgent. I like the new additions to the cast, but as annoying as Troy was, he completed Adeb. Annie and Abed is not as fun. Jeff seems more burnt out and bored than ever. The parody with Steven Weber and Yvette Nicole Brown was the

Thank you! I wasn't amused by the OJ prosecutor jokes. The whole courtroom farce seemed silly to me; it played like a bad episode of The Simpsons. This was the first episode that I felt was completely disappointing

Now I feel old! I knew who the lawyers were the minute they said their names and Fey looked exactly like Marcia Clark. Of course, no one born in the 90's will get the reference