Indiana Bones

Meh. This was the first episode that I actively disliked. They managed to make Jimmy unlikable. She would rather bury her head in the sand rather than help convict the man who manipulated her all those years? So Jon Hamm was amusing, but also cloying and the courtroom segments were over the top unreal. The

I love Carol Kane :)

The first act was kind of funny, but the rest was meh, imo. We've already had the whole Lisa gets a friend and Bart ruins it plot (Summer of 4ft 2). Why is Marge so concerned with Lisa's lack of friends now? They retcon Homer's friendship with Lenny and Carl just to make a moot point? The Simpsons is tired and

Exactly. They've pretty much used every iteration of Marge is a nag, Homer is a bad father/lousy husband, Lisa know-it-all, and Bart the psycho prankster. Why should anyone watch the current show when they can get the first 7-9 seasons and remember why the show was great?

no mention of Michael Ironside?????????????????????????

24 is ridiculous. LMAO when Heller got blown up!