
Moonves doesn't want Kenneth's youth, he wants the opinion of the only person alive who's older than the average CBS viewer.


You say the word “peacock”? That’s insane!

NBC finally has a reason for falling ratings that isn't entirely their own fault.

Nationwide, your kid just died

Columbus: Home of The Ohio State Fuckeyes.

"an incredibly lazy, incompetent moron"

Manic Prison Dream 'Girl'

Lieberal Progressive!

How about we help the Columbus School Corporation pay for an actually qualified substitute teacher by raising funding to the needed levels instead?

I see Tina Belcher's letters finally got through to at least one network.

This is just like the time I thought Charles Kuralt was digging up my garden, except it turned out that it really was him.

"Of course I like Phil Collins. I have two ears and a heart, don't I?"

Are you the person who keeps coming to the only bar in Monticello, Indiana and picking nothing but Rammstein and Billy Joel songs?

Hey fun boys, get a room!

[Stephen Colbert cries in a corner]

Comcast doing something distasteful but not flagrantly illegal in a quest to wring the last drops of profit from the American consumer? I don't believe it.

It's not a bug, it's a feature!

Thank god every network now has it's own streaming service, because was just a little bit too convenient only having a few streaming services to choose from. I'm glad they've almost finished recreating cable television in an even more unwieldy form.

Alan Tudyk should play his Canadian assassin character from Justified who's been hired to kill Rick Castle.