indescribable hat

Even though my favourite clone was Krystal Goderitch from Season 4 onwards, Orphan Black was a textbook example of a 3 season show being stretched to 5.

am i the only person who liked the “firefly” theme song?

Peter Dinklage is starting to specialize in playing characters without incorporating their trademark noses.

Ugh. If you think this variety of masculine posturing is somehow better than the dick-out version, you're wrong.

How on earth is this out of the grays?

Dichen Lachman!

Right. But Latino is the male form of the word, which is the reason why people have come up with an alternative. Surely you can understand why “male is the default” rubs some people the wrong way.

Bucky can be bi and also not attracted to Sam. Bucky could be solely attracted to dudes and not be attracted to Sam (no offense to Sam, a very attractive man).

Agreed. And after a certain point, the Gilead officials refusing to just kill her makes no sense. Maybe they’d be justified in thinking they could contain her the first time she rebelled, weighing the potential that she would have more babies over the havoc she’s wrought against Gilead. But at this point she’s escaped

“I’m shifting into girl mode and I’m taking you all with me.”

Well do you have flag?

she didn’t just identify as a transvestite, she was an executive transvestite.

I was one of the few who watched it on Yahoo back in the day and I absolutely still love this little show! It’s so good!!

Oh my god pump this straight into my fucking veins ohhhhh man I want it so bad holy shit

The idea is that Sarah relayed the instructions to him, and he has evidence it worked so he’ll do it too.

That’s not how trademarks work.

That should be mes cheries.

As far as your criticism goes, I agree. It’s still a bummer to lose one of the best episodes of one of the best shows in television history on the basis of a joke that—like you said—didn’t add all that much to the proceedings.

Toronto, usually.

Fuck you, Bell is delightful and sweet.