indescribable hat

The initial happy birth scene pinged my dream sequence radar - too pure and cheerful, the parade of smiling faces reminiscent of Jackie’s happy dream while she froze to death, and the transition into the happy scene felt abrupt and off in a way I can’t put my finger on. I spent that scene waiting for the rug to be

Perform This Way parodies Born This Way and Lady Gaga’s whole thing. Most of his stuff doesn’t really have anything to say about the original song or artist.

That really, really doesn’t make it not rape. The victim doesn’t have to exhaust every conceivable means of escape for it to be rape, they just have to not consent. Luke said no, and June COVERED HIS MOUTH and didn’t stop. End of story. Maybe she was able to rape him because he didn’t want to hurt her or didn’t want

I liked this season precisely because they were playing more strategically. I too found the Savannah/Terilisha drama unpleasant, but Lee, Courtney, and particularly Deleesa stood out to me as likeable people playing smart, interesting games.

Wait, so your position is that people with face tattoos should not be permitted to work?

They would build relationships with new people because that’s what the overwhelming majority of humans do when there are other people around. Sure, milkshakes and monkey go karts and unchallenging pleasure would get boring, but I don’t see how unpredictable, out-of-your-control human interaction would lose its shine.

Yeah, for me this plot line was a bit like all the genre stories where any time you cheat death there are horrifying consequences that reinforce the status quo. It’s as though, because we’re stuck with mortality, we have to tell stories in which we convince ourselves that it’s really for the best.

Underground had a really stellar cast and was my favorite show on TV for a little while, and I’m still not over its cancellation. It deserved far more attention (and seasons) than it got.

Well done.

This seems like another opportunity to let everyone know that there exist on Hulu two seasons of an excellent show about the Underground Railroad titled Underground.


While you could definitely enjoy this season on its own, for my money the first season is the best Veronica Mars season and holds up well. The original run of the show is also on Hulu, so if you’re thinking of giving it a try, I’d suggest starting there. (If you can’t stand shows about high schoolers or shows from

That warmed my heart and made me feel internet-old.

This is cute, but doesn’t everyone have the lyrics to that song embedded deep in their brain? No? Just me?

I keep saying this, but Underground succeeded at telling the kind of story The Handmaid’s Tale wants to tell but can’t get right. If you want a story of resistance against a brutal, slave-holding American regime, a show that threads the needle of balancing tragedy and suffering with the hope of fighting back, a show

YES I came here to find out if anyone else is putting horseradish in theirs. I have been doing equal parts mayo and horseradish for some time because I am a maniac.

Haha you saved me from composing a sarcastic comment involving the word “authoress.” Thanks.

Why not both, ya know?

The Unsullied sure, but the Dothraki follow Dany because she killed their previous rulers and that’s how they do succession. They’d be fine with it.

I learned somewhere that you can sing the title to the main bit if you go “Thrones, yeah, Game of Thrones, yeah, Game of Thrones, yeah, Game of Thrones, yeah, Game of Throoooones,” etc. Not as natural or irritating as “Maaaad Men, Maaaad Men, Maaaad Men, Maaaad Men, Maad Men, Mad Men, Mad Men, Mad Men, mmmmmm,” but