
Bullshit. Homophobia is rampant in the innercity and middle class black community . The F word is thrown around casually in rap music,and in battle rap. Misogny as well,so I know there are alot of people who you let slide on their prejudice in life. Everybody has to compromise at some point.. Holding somebody

It seems like she is just attacking Lena for who she is and not what she has done. Her only accusation against her is that someone ran in her circle that used the Nword. Can every liberal activist in the world say they shut out everyone in their life who said anything offensive at every point in their life. Lena has a

so Yall really think these girls should get in trouble at school for singing a rap song. I think Piers Morgan is a dick,but do you really expect to be at a rap concert and expect everybody there who is not black,to mumble a word just for you. Its obvious any intelligent white person should not say the word regular

I see where you are coming from,but I dont think you can compare things like street harassment and sexual assault to socio-econonomic dis enfranchisement as well as state supported violence. The street harassment problem really only applies if you live in a bad neighborhood,and the domestic abuse issue is more about

that was before Obamacare.

The 25 million people are mostly young people who just dont want to pay,but have the income. All of the sick and poor people are on medicaid or in the Obamacare exchanges/

I worked for the Obama campaign and its alot more complicated than that. The problem is about 50 million americans white collar and blue collar have better insurance than medicare currently offers. Even if you can overome the insurance lobby. A huge percentage of Americans will be worse off under a single payer

Every country does not Single payer, only Australia, South Korea,Canada and The UK. Most countries have Obamacare like programs which use a mix of publicly funded and private insurers.

I agree with your school sentiment,but to be fair alot of middleclass Blacks are moving to the suburbs for betters schools and less crime,so its complicated.

Stasssa doesnt undertsand how the senate works,back in the old days of bipartisanship.You never blocked the procedural vote to begin debate even if you dont agree on the bill.. thats what Mccain meant by returning to regular order.

I meant to say over 20% of households,and over 30% of people who vote. Poor people have low voting rates.

I have degree in political science and I have worked as a congressional staffer and campaign coordinator. Obama told me this himself along with some other volunteers. People who make over a 1oo k now have gold plated insurance plans that have better care than someone on medicare. These people would pay more in taxes

Your wrong the problem with single payer politically is that people who make over 100K a yr now will pay more and taxes and get less quality care. These people already have better care than medicare. The problem politically is that these people are 30% of the electorate,and they vote. This why we have not been able to

Black men are victims of domestic abuse at highers rates than white men. The Black community in general has a problem with domestic abuse. I think is a psychological after affect of slavery that got passed down from generations.

You realize that the dudes from the gamergate represent like 1% of gamers.I assume most gamers/nerds lean left,and are not any more sexist than other men in their age demographic.

I dont see how the exchange of commerce is inherently racist. If everybody doing commerce is the same race it cant be racist. Commerce only becomes racist when people interact with it from different cultural backgrounds,and applies their stereotypes to it.

Yes but they are still two concepts that developed independent  of each other. Capitalism develop because it was a better alternative to feudalism. Modern day sexism is mostly a result of humans moving from food gathering nomads to a society based off agriculture with organized religion playing a huge role. as well. I

I really dont understand her beef with capitalism. More socialism doesnt not equal less sexism. More capitalism does not equal more sexism. If society were all one gender we would still be capitalist with social safety nets or mixed economies like Norway with capitalim as the foundation. There was plenty of sexism in

I dont get her point about capitalism being inherently racist and sexist. We live in a capitalist society and a sexist society and they intersect,but there is no proof one does not causes the other. Gender roles existed before capitalism. Im sure there was plenty of sexism in the Soviet Union and communist China. Even

no the gas shortages are because they put price controls on gas. Never in history has price controls worked. Im all for subsidizing cost for low income people. Im actually a liberal,but too many liberals feel like they can ignore basic rules of economics. We dont put price controls on food,we just subsidize low income