
most of the major pharma corporation are in the U.S. If the U.S did not have high drug prices,they would not be able to generate the revenue to invest in the R&D for new drugs. You would either get less new life saving drugs,or they would have to charge higher prices in the other countries to recoup R&D cost. Price

Artificially inflated prices,there are no such things. I make something,and I price it accordingly in the market place,if people cant pay or unwillingly to prices go down or the product fails. There is no rule and business that puts a limit on how much a price of something can be,unless its a utility. This is all

The case against single payer is longer wait lines for certain surgeries,and treatment,and the political fall out of people who are not use to waiting retaliating. Plus about 20% of the population,people who make over 100K will be worse off under the system,in regards to the taxes they will have to pay relative to the

As a native NJers do you think Booker should have jeopardized the jobs of all the people that work in the pharma industry,most of whom are middle class.

NJ economy is dependent on the pharma industry for employment. Do you think Booker should have voted thousands of middle class sales and research jobs away from his state. Im not pro charters,but the U.S public school system with its dismal test scores,doesnt give me a whole lot of reasons to support them over

You do realize that most people who work for big pharma are just middle class people right.

The voters in liberal California voted down price controls in the last referendum. You dont understand if you capp drug prices,you will get less investment in drugs,thus you will get less new drugs in the market. The reason why Canada has low drug prices.because the American consumer subsidizes most R&D.

why are these kids getting charged,but this guys goes free.

to be honest who the president is really doesn’t affect your life on a day to day basis. Assuming your fairly middle class there is not much he can do to you. Date rapes and assaults happened under Obama and they will happen under Trump.

then you will have dems defect to the green party,because their candidate didnt support medicare for all puppies with GMO free puppy chow 

will not work in the south. It may work in the mid west. The wounds from the civil war still run deep.

not really I studied law and cases like this usually go dont hold up in court. Look at the sexism law suit at Kleiner Perkins

Chicago is like 27% Black now. They have lost over 200,000 Black residents.

They found a gun next to him I thought.

even if they dont point it at a cop if you move towards a cop with a gun in hand,they can still shoot you.. CC or open carry does no give you the right to threaten police officers. Once again if the gun they recovered at the scene has the dudes finger prints on it,I will say it was a clean shooting.. The officer on

umm yes it illegal. The police can still shoot you if you have a gun in your hand pointed it toward them permit or not. The shooting in the OKC was the cops fault,but Im reserving judgement on this one.

to be fair most of the Black men killed have not been middle class or rich. The guy in Minnesota being the exception,most of the Black dudes killed were low level criminals engaging in criminal activity,that doest mean that their shooting were by the book tho or the cops shouldnt be held accountable,but the cops arent

I think there should be a difference .between someone who has sex with a 16 yr old versus someone who has sex with a kid who is younger than 13.

yeah but still, I dont know if I feel comfortable blacklisting somebody from society based on accusations if they didnt get convicted. An example being that should some be denied job,because people on social media protest the hiring decisions,because he was accused of a date rape ten years ago. The Cosby case is an

Actually I use to be a personal trainer its actually more simple than that. Just make sure you get enough protein,and get your recommended vitamin doses. If your over thirty make sure you are not exceeding the recommended daily sodium intake limit frequently . Everything else is really waste of time.