
I dont know. I work in the events industry,where I may see certain co workers two or three times a year,and they look at me weird when I go for a hand shake. I work with alot of Europeans and Americans from the south.

I would say hooters started like that but my mom took me there when I was 12,and I saw other families with young children. This was like 2000. I think hooters is just another restaurant now.

I study politics Im sure Hillary would not have made it without Bill. She lacks charisma and emotional connection. The only way to get elected without those traits is to be an insider. like Romney,Kerry or the Bush brothers. She might be a great president,but she is on record saying she is not a good campaigner.

Hillary Clinton has admitted she is not a good campaigner nor candidate. She might be a great president,but her political skills are lacking in comparison to Obama,Bill Clinton and even Bush Jr. Its safe to assume she would not have gotten this far without Bill. Hillary does not connect with people.

I study economics. I really dont see a scenario where we can avoid every child never having to go through a shelter. ITs not economically possible. We can insure less of them do,but housing supply is very limited in big cities because environmental zoning policies and politics. Even if we gave every poor mom more

HRC is not a gifted politician,She may make a good president from a policy standpoint. She admitted she is not a good campaigner herself. Obama,Bill Clinton Regan and Bush Jr. All naturally connect when they speak. HRC is in the vein of Jimmy Carter,Mitt Romney,Jeb Bush. They are competent on policy but lack connection

Are thing really that bad, I understand some people are impacted by globalism and the aftermath of the recession. I think the media whether liberal or conservative likes to report bad news because it get ratings.. Example people think crime is rising,but its actual the lowest in 40 yrs. You just have more media

so a newborn life is more valuable than six year olds

Question what if it was a new born and six year old on board. You can give them a drug so they wouldnt feel any pain ,who would you save. If there are different levels of value of life you have to decide who is in charge of making those decisions.

Im pro-choice,but you are not understanding their position an fetus at conception is the samething as a six year old boy running around in their eyes as far as the value of their life and rights

at what age though. I agree with the concept,but you really think a thirteen should be able to get hormones and gender reassignment without consulting an adult.

What might happen is I think Fox will still be fiscal conservative, anti immigration and pro military. They will just call truce on the cultural issues minus abortion.

You can be a feminist and conservative. Minus the complications with the abortion issue. You can before low taxes,small government and a strong military. I dont think that its antithetical to feminism.

how many black people have poliscience degrees or can afford to be low or unpaid intern. I read somewhere that internships can really only be done by rich people. I dont think this is racism on the staff hiring spot. I can assure the federal government is not racist in hiring,because the majority of middle class

If a guy leaked a girls sex tape, this site would be outraged.

Ok but what if you ran into a girl who was equally drunk and she offered to have sex with you. Ive turned down a few drunk girls in my day,just because I didn’t need the drama. Espeially suburban chicks,but if feminist are adamant about this issue, They should pass a law that anybody over a certain alcohol level can

what are you talking about everytime a Black dude get unjustifiable shot by a cop half country puts the blame on him.

Ummm most men know its not ok to be a rapist, Just like most men know its ok not to rob banks. The problem there is always going to be a percentage of people who break with social norms. If you think you socialize rape out of society you are wrong. You are confusing date rape and serial rape. Serial rape is forcible

You know most drunk sex is not between a guy and a passed out girl. Most people are drunk but conscious,and if Im at bar talking to multiple drunk people its impossible to tell who has had too many. Last weekend a girl approach me at a bar with a drink in her hand. We had a quick convo about politics and some other

In the event of a robbery there is no debate about consent. Rape comes down to the issue of consent. So yes it make since for any defense lawyer to bring up the sobriety of the r\accuser. My understanding of the Stanford was that the girl was not conscious. Most drunk hook ups that happen every weekend are usually