
The median income is for a family of four. If you make 35k and you are single,you are middle class. You have no dependents,so you have a ton disposable income. The cost of living also factors in depending on geography. The cost of living in Houston or Phoenix is way lower than in New York or LA. Depending on where you

I understand what you are saying,but you have to understand most people are not sociologist,and most people live with the mindset of if you treat me fairly,I will treat you fairly so when liberals insist that there can be double standards for speech and discourse based on a persons ascribed status,they may be right in

AOC needs to get more informed,I dont mind her message but she says dumb things like. “”Unemployment is low because people are working two jobs

This is  B.S Hillary got more votes nationwide than Berinie

You dont understand stats do you.Black people are 13% of the population,and make up 15% of the middle class. For Black people to be part of the middle class in proportion to their percentage population more than half of them would need to be middle class.

no we are not only about 20- 25% of Black people are poor or fall below the poverty line. 50% of all African Americans make the median income adjusted to their area cost of living.. The word middle class really has no meaning its more of a political term,you cant define it into tax brackets.

this wrong. 50% of Black people are middle class.Stop believing negative stereotypes about our people.

You do realize that even in countries like Canada they dont cover everything. You should get more educated on the subject.

I have a degree in economics,and your wrong. The reason why the ghetto is the ghetto is because productive people dont want to live there. If you make the ghetto a nice place to live,the productive people will come,and prices will go up its basic economics.

The problem with Seattle is not money. Its the fact that property owners and the SJW(I dont mean that in a demeaning way) community will not let market rate apartment get built. Zoning regulations are Seattle and San Fransisico’s problem. Im a Democrat but this is a basic supply and demand problem.

most high income woman marry men with more money then them . Are they prostitutes? The majority of divorces are over money? Are they prostitutes as well. Woman who divorced their wallstreet husband because of the 2009 crash,and they refused to have a downgrade in lifestyle.. Are they prostitutes ?Im not defending

For the most of human history weddings and interaction between men and woman have been an economic transaction. The concept of marry for “”love”” is relatively new. Woman got married to be taking care of,or find a man that would bring home the bacon. In modern times even high income woman prefer to date or marry men

I really dont understand,the point of holding liberal white woman accountable for the votes of conservative white woman. Alot of Cuban woman voted for Trump do we hold all Latin woman responsible for that. You can have political disagreement,between ethnic groups. A fair amount of Black woman dont agree with gay

not true. We have raised education spending three times the rate of inflation over the past thirty years. California spends 40% of it state budget on education,and we have very little to show for it in terms of test score progress. Im a democrat,and Im not pro charter,but the public school system has not made good

Thats not true. look at Obama. He compromised on the gay marriage thing to get elected,and ended up getting alot of policies through that helped all minorites. DADT repealed,changing crack vs cocaine sentencing guidelines. ETC. If he had been a strict idealouge,we would have ended with John Mccain.

Heres my issue with just believing accusers post Weinstein. The Harvey Weinstein story was done by investigation journalist with sources and third party accounts. The Donald Trump and Roy Moore stories have similar validations. The evidence is not enough prosecute criminally,but enough for them to be publicly shamed.

I really dont understand how the Karsdashians engage in cultural appropriation, They speak standard English,dress like typical white people. Everybody who gets ass implants is not engaging in cultural appropiation. Big asses are in style in alot of Latin cultures as well, In fact Big asses were not a thing in the

so Should Martin Luther King be attacked,even though. Black Female activist in his movement acknowledged that he had a blind spot when it came to sexism. Did he have malicious intent?

She was in fucking college. People are still figuring out there value system at that point. She didnt say the actual words,she just didnt confront the person.Plus it is not establish how well Lena even knew this person.I know alot of people, Im not about to confront every person I know over every transgression. Bill