
I think what she means you can not a date a fat woman,but if you sat around relatively liberal metropolitan people and said that you would not date a fat chick it would be considered un sophisticated. Its kind like how nobody goes to the ethnic part of town,but it would be unacceptable to say that you dont go to that

Are you referring to Marilyn Monroe. Nobody would consider her to be fat. She would be considered on the Kim Kardashian scale in modern days. Thick or curvy. She couldn’t be a fitness model today,but nobody would call her fat. She would probably have no problem getting a date.

Umm have you ever gone to a Mcdonalds. There are plenty of Black people working there who dont want be there. I bet you still let them take your order. The fruit you ate this morning was picked by some immigrant working 16 hour days to survive. The computer and Iphone you wrote this post on was made in a Chinese sweat

ITs because he is blunt and does not say what people wanna hear. He is also non PC. Everything Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton is poll tested and yoiu cant tell if they are authentic. Even Berney Sanders is just saying what super liberal people wanna hear. I find his views deplorable,but I understand the appreal. If we

if you invest it right you should be able to retire. Buy 1 million dollars worth of corpoorate bonds yielding 5-10% interest. Or some blue chip stocks with dividends.

Isnt this what Bill Maher been saying.

Wrong Black people were treated with just as much discrimination as every other immigrant group like the Chinese and Irish. It wasnt really until after the civil war that there was animous against Black people relative to other groups. In fact there were Black congressman in Texas pre civil war.

Im not really getting that from the comments of the guy. It seemed that Rhonda wanted a yes man,becauae everybody around her was a yes man.. This is a problem with celeberities in general which is why they typically have to date people who are as succesful as them. H e was not going to be a yes man

Very few men can actually do porn. You have to be able to stay hard with hot lights and people talking about what they are going to eat for dinner on the set. You also have to have a pebnis over 8 inches(average is seven). So when it comes to looks producers cant be picky.

The supreme already ruled no on that, Chicago and Washington DC handgun bans were overturned.

Morals aside,who is going to want to be am EMT lifting people out of buildings or spend time and money getting an electrician licence,when you can make the same amount of money as a security guard or a entry level McDonald’s job. Paying everyone the same goes against human nature which is why the Soviet Union failed

dont the owners of the companies,which is usually the general public for publicly traded companies approve those salaries. of the CEO’s Im a liberal but CEO pay never really bothered me. If you want those salaries to taxed higher than I get that.

I studied economics in college,but basic economic law says that if you increase the cost of something then you get less of it. Raising the minimum wage changes the composition of the labor force,as in employeers will seek out more productive emloyeers to justify the cost. This is why inner city employment goes up

I hear alot of people say that more white people are killed by cops than Black people. Can someone give me real stats are more white people killed in absolute number or actual percentages. Im assuming absolute numbers. Also if white people dont care about white people getting killed by cops why do we expect them to

In my opinion economics tends to be a factor social economics and financial ones. Usually in the unattractive female and hot male couples. The male tends to be of lower economic status which means he falls below the basic threshold of economic status alot of attractive woman have set up. I see this alot in the inner

Theres really nothing more you can do about institutional racism. The civil rights movement was pretty much the icing on the cake. In any society somebody will always be more privileged than someone else. Plus privileged is all relative anyway. I would much wrather be a Black girl in the U.S.A than a white girl in

Im black,but its mostly because Twitter only recruits from Ivy League. It has been a push for Silicon Valley to recruit more ftom state university though.

I dont think this will ever change atleast not in anglo influenced societies. The reason comes down to the social economy of sex. Sex or sexual opportunity is more scarce for men than it is for woman. so the selling of sex or marketing of female sexuality will always be more valuable. Even if we could stop in movies

The northeast republicans are not socially conservative. Most college aged conservatives are accepting to LBGT memembers. Its the older conservatives from the south that are anti-lbgt.

Just because someone listens to hiphop does not mean they have to take the liberal position on race issues.