
you obviously dont know any mainstream white people. The majority of upper class white people think the Kardashians are a joke. Any white chick caught twerking in an upscale white club or bar will looked at as a stank Those preppy laguna type white people do not take whit people like that serious. They are put in the

lack of female writers might not necessarily be sexism,just like google not having alot of black coders is not necessarily racism

good point so Black kids shouldnt be able to enjoy kungfu movies and take karate class’s if they dont understand the hardship of Asian Americans. Non-Latin people should not be able to eat Mexican food or take a salsa class unless they understand the hardship of Mexican people.

There is a difference between achieving basic civil rights,which the activist for the most part achieved .Versus the kind of equality people are fighting for today,by asking white people to be more sensitive or for Google to hire more Black engineers is kind of a waste of time. Malcom X and Booker T Washington were

When you abort someone. You are denying that person their own body. You are also denying them the happiness of pursuing in their own life. I am pro choice,because I dont see the practicality of having a bunch of unwanted kids around.

There will never be equality humans are naturally hierarchical. The only places that have equality are places with a homogenous population. You can never have complete equality in a multi cultural society. Malcolm X was right in that Blacks should focus on independence and self Improvement wrather than focusing on

Im pro choice,but the debate over abortion is not about the woman. The debate over abortion is about at what point does the baby have rights. Do those rights start at conception or the third trimester or when the baby takes its first breath. I personally believe abortion should be legal,because it will happen any way.

I dont agree with the owners position. Im a moderate liberal who voted for Obama twice. Im just making a legal distinction,between existing and engaging in an action somebody disagree’s with. There is an obvious precedent with this in the hobby lobby decision.. Unlike you Im actual concerned with how laws are

Being Black is not an action its state of existence. Getting married to someone is an action which you have an agency over. I dont agree with the bakers actions. I just think there is a legal distinction. I believe this case will probably go to the supreme court. The supreme court ruled in favor of hobby lobby,but

I dont agree with the stores views,but they are not denying because they are gay. They denying them for something they are actively doing getting married. I really dont know where the law is going to come down on this. We will see what happens when it goes through the federal court system.

dont know if thats the same thing refusing someone,because there black is one thing. Refusing them because that in a interracial relationship is another thing. One you cant control the other requires action.

There more likely referring to photographer, wedding planners who a christian who will have to perform services for gay weddings. This is most likely the next big fight.

Im not short so I have no dog in this fight,I was just playing hypothetical,but its no doubt that woman prefer taller men,and the majority of woman would not date someone shorter than them. This image is perpetuated in the media,though not as much as the skinny woman as a sex symbol. Short men complain about this in

Im sympathetic to the body acceptance movement,but think its a bit misguided at times. Human beings are naturally hierarchical thinking creatures so some people are always valued higher than others. Even when Marilyn Monroe was the symbol of beauty there were woman who were bigger or smaller than her who were left

disagree with that race and culture are social constructs biology is not.

There is sexual assault and sexual misconduct. I think woman who have been dragged in a forest and had forcible vaginal sex would be offended that a girl who got her ass slapped at a party would even equate their experience to hers. There should be legal repercussions for people who slap girls on their ass,but what

I disagree. I have cousins who are half black and they just look like white boys with curly hairs.

Its probably the recession,and the fact that alot of kids are still living with their parents,ewhicj limits hook up opportunity.

Thats exactly what Obama has done. He raised taxes on rich people to pay for poor peoples healthcare.

Most people are content in most 1st world countries. The elites give everybody enough piece of the equality pie,but never the whole one. If your a suburban white girl living in New York City making 75k a yr vacationing in Monaco. Your really not going to go scream in the streets. The only social movement that keeps