
Courts have ruled that people who are Bipolar or have Schizorphania can consent to sex.

Im Black,but reserving judgement until more facts come out,but you dont think its appropiate to bring up the suspects passed history of violent crime in the case where we are questioning the credibility of the police officer. I know in certain court cases the offender past is not allowed to be brought up in court.

depends on how many people are in a household. 250K split among five people in NYC or San Francisco when you factor in Childcare,property taxes, health insurance etc might feel just average.

I hate to say this,but I think this plays into the whole idea of only eating at Whole foods and anti-gmo campaign. The same people who are ant-vax are the same people who think Monsanto is trying to kill their kids.

No I dont think so if your espousing a political position that has impacts on millions of people,but living a life thats hypocritical to that. I think its perfectly reasonable for the media to point out that hypocrisy. If your a republican thats against gay mariage,but is having gay sex, the media should point that

I agree the cops should n't get involved,but we live in a world where 15% of kids will get molested. I would not feel comfortable with my kids walking alone until they are atleast 13-15 yrs old.

thats 36k tax free though.

alot of girls cant deal with the self image of being an escort,because its been socially demonized . Sugar dating allows a way for girls to feel more normal like they are just dating a rich guy. Also in some state like California being a sugar baby is legal like porn is legal,so there is alot less risk of being

to be fair Black men are more likely to be victims of domestic abuse than other men. In general for variety of socio-economic reasons Black couples just fight more.but most activist put their demographics first whether its feminist,racial justice,or immigration or gay rights activist,because they represent their

Marriage rates dont show that,poor people are getting married less and rich people rates are about the same.

Its not just republicans. This agenda has been pushed by liberal environmentalist who want to slowdown population growth to save the planets resources. It goes both ways but mostly just a function of economics.

Im not hardline about this,but as somebody who makes decent money,but feel like I wouldnt be financial comfortable having a kid. I do feel kind of uneasy about subsidizing someone elses happiness with their children. I have no problem with food stamps and educational assistance for single moms from dysfunctional or

depends on what in come bracket. I think in the six figure and up range. I would say woman who are conventionally attractive and make their own money,probably have the best pick of the litter if you look at marriage rates by income bracket. As you go further down the income stream the pickings get slimmer.

Im a Democrat but why do liberals cry when Obama drops bombs on these people.

honestly I dont mind his foreign policy the people he drops bombs on,think its ok to stone woman to death. If he didnt drop bombs on these people they would just go slaughtering other people in the region anyway like ISIS did in Syria and Iraq. Either way people get killed there is really no moral solution.

Just because your Black or a sympathizer with Black Culture,doesnt mean you have to share the same political views on every issue. Hell there are Black Republicans who listen to hiphop. Im Black and a Democrat and I think there should have atleast been trials in both Eric Garners and Mike Browns death,but I dont

did they ever find Mike Browns DNA on the gun.

Because he tried to grab the officers gun,Mike Browns DNA was found on the gun and two shots were fired in the car. I guess they could have atleast gave Wilson manslaughter for what happened afther the fight in the car.

The problem is affirmative consent is a very vague concept. I have heard plenty of cases when I worked at the campus police station,where a girl would meet a guy at a bar,walk six blocks or get in a cab with him to a private residence. They would than enthusiastically make out go to the bedroom take their clothes

Colleges do this all the time like how Condelezza Rice was banned from talking at a college because she supported the Iraq war.