
This is absolutely one of my favorite games of all time, and ever since my PS4 died, I’m so excited to finally play it again! The music is hypnotic, the visuals are arresting, and it makes for an incredible VR experience.

(Fun fact: This game has a “Theater Mode” setting that unlocks after completing the Journey Mode,

Obligatory “Switch port when?” comment, lolz

Personally I think a dev has the right to decide how to monetize video content of their games.

But like, I think there’s a middle ground that nobody seems to be talking about. Why not share revenue of video content via royalties? I’m sure there’s a way.

The ‘ur game isn’t a real game, ergo doesn’t deserve adequate protection’ argument is reductive ; regardless of the content of the experience, the argument here is that people are finding ways to consume a property without having to pay for it. least the character portraits are alright

HOW DARE these idiots remove tasteless bullshit from their game. I am being ROBBED of artistically sound content in the name of Censorship!

SJW’s are definitely screwing the whole world up. Definitely.