Indecent Expose

Is a single championship or two really worth selling your soul to LeBron for? After Cleveland, Miami, and now LA, I’m beginning to think not.

The burner equivalent of wearing a fake mustache and glasses

Got 'em. 

You’re right! I love being with my friends! I can’t wait to get together with you! Being with friends is just the best thing ever!

What? No love for Corno Pronk? C’mon people.

Hey, we need to catch up some time. Hope everything’s going well. You kinda fell of the map.

Syncere Friends

Regrettably, he’s the MVP.


That’s “wives,” Russ.

That’s kangaroos for you. They’ll mess you up without ruminating much about it.

I subscribe. I love the Deadcast, but that was a painful listen. Not every writer is built for "radio", I suppose.

Not a fan of “Spagate.”  It’s just too bad you guys already shot your wad calling that other thing “Ballghazi,” cause it’s just like, right there

Stephen Miller: The whites beat the blacks.
Fox Anchor: You’re talking about the team jerseys right?
Stephen Miller: Of course. The whites are clearly better than the blacks.
Fox Anchor: Yeah...the team in white.
Stephen Miller: Sure. I mean, just look at them. They’re clearly superior.
Fox Anchor: Okay...
Stephen Miller:

Reporter: I’m here with Willians Astudillo. What went through your mind as you hit the ball?
Astudillo : Not much. Astudillo there and watched it fly.
Reporter: Thanks Willians, now back to astudillo.

Boy will Gruden be red in the face when he reads this

If he were succeeding with connivance and deceit, then it would be on him. The fact that this openly racist, openly disgusting, openly a messiah to 40% of Americans is a testament above all to what irredeemable pieces of shit 40% of Americans are, and that is the only important take-away here.

Fireman! (Aah-aah-Ed)
Fighter of the G-Men (Aah-aah-aah)
Champion of None (Aah-aah-aah)
You’re a master of nothing
and bad drafts
for everyone!

I feel like you’re saying “poise soul”.

Hm. A journey of wild ups and downs, and crippling fear of the big guns.

If we’re talking all sports, then allow me to present to you the unequivocal winner:

Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a sports columnist; but I repeat myself.