
Yeah, let’s blame it on those pesky millenials! Let’s not blame it on a range of motorcycles where the lightest weighs as much as the Death Star, the cheapest is still fucking expensive, the most powerful couldn’t pull the dick off a chocolate mouse, the most sporty has the dynamic prowess of a bag of shot badgers and

Do they steal jewelry too? Because that formation is a gem.

Ah, yes. Meetings. Usually involves Marketing pointing at a spreadsheet and telling Design HOW to design it, simultaneously Engineering saying key elements of design can’t be manufactured (and Design not having the time to show that yes, it can be made at that price point), followed by Sales refusing to get behind it

At first I was like.........then I was like......

Buys cars sight unseen.

Stef isn’t a very straight laced kinda girl

Bless your sole for doing that, Stef!

You really know how to panda to your audience, Justin!

This wasn’t the only Soviet self-built/home-built sports car. There were several, going back as far as the 1930s.

Derwin employee 1: How can we make a decade-old Italian supercar less reliable?

Ironically, the car itself is covered in tumors.

That beauty, my friend, is a Brazilian built Volkswagen Fox sold in North America from 1987 to 1992. It was available as a sedan, a coupe, and ....