
So are there more promos with the thing actually off road?

I actually googled Hofmeister kink against my better judgement. Really glad I don’t have disinfect my phone’s OS....and I learned something.

I really like this look, it is the “fastback” look that I totally support more designers adopt. I agree the first Panamera was somehow badly porportioned, but I think they got a lot better with the update. It was not the rear window so much as just a badly drawn ass in general.

DD is a GTI. I do own an MGB but it’s a roadster. Matrix=Mom jeans. Sorry if this touches a nerve, but it’s truth.

The Toyota Matrix is the automotive equivalent of mom-jeans.

Ur a nutcase.

Right, because there are no drug dens or sketchy stuff in the “heartland”. You just go ahead and stay safe out there in flyover country. I love this hick BS.

Death by snu snu?