
The E-Type is beautiful, Steve (?) is an idiot.

Interesting idea, but how about pastry dough or croissant dough?

I usually called mine a mostly-incoherent string of four letter words. On the rare occasions it ran, it was “Disco”.

I remember back a couple decades, one of the ingredients listed on the tub was “artificial margarine flavor”. Take that however you will... .

Now playing

The grocery store scene in “Go” was pretty darn good.

1987 Ford Tempo. So forgettable I had to go to Wikipedia to look up what the model name was. It was a dull medium gray with gray mouse fur seats and those shoulder harnesses on a track that hit me in the head about 10% of the time (enough to remember but not enough to be memorable). What a pile of lukewarm soup that

chem trail”? Let’s not feed the tinfoil-hat wearers, please. They’re contrails.

Just be aware that you could be replacing old, “good” Craftsman tools for the remarkably lower-quality new tools. Still, a broken made-in-US wrench is not as good as a functional Chinese-made wrench.

HBO Max isn’t “crashing and burning”, it’s being crashed and burnt through no fault of its own.


fresh out of the [fryer]”...

TOH is legit. They will be honest and tell you up front that it will end up costing you a lot more to be featured on the show. They will also tell you that you will be required to use products from their sponsors.

Yes - ham, butter, brie, baguette. So perfect! Too bad it’s so hard to get a good baguette in the US.

Oh my sweet summer child. It’s “critically acclaimed” not “critically claimed”.

When I bought my first garden hose. That brought the entire weight of home ownership, and therefore adulthood, crashing down on my head.

Same here. Bad quiz.

I think you mean ‘zero-turn mower’. They aren’t tractors.

I think that would be a great timeline, especially if the 2030's Russia is sad and depleted after wasting all their treasure invading Ukraine.

Jeff Goldblum was unavailable?

Yep, the problem with Zoolander 2 is that it was completely unnecessary. The first one ended perfectly and no one needed a sequel. Z2 was good enough for what it was but nobody asked for it. On the flip side of Ben Stiller movies, I would absolutely love a sequel to Zero Effect.