
@uncle_jojo: You stole my idea before I could come up with it first!

I love how this stuff is in the news like this. I have had so many people claim they have gotten Android on an HD2...and I can't help myself but sending link after link of this recent stuff to show them I know they are lying.

Steve sounds like one of those abusive boyfriends who manipulates his girlfriends into thinking that their being abused is somehow their own fault or that it's "normal for relationships to be that way."

For some reason I am singing "Go Go Gadget Cat Legs!" to the Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger theme song.

This is sooo cool! My step mom's cat will probably need something like this eventually..he has diabetes and can't use his back legs very well.

I have had a lot of phones in my day, all carriers, and used them all over the country. I think people like to make a big deal out of nothing..

Navy Seal couldn't shoot it in the middle? I was disappointed with this... *sigh*

@abates25: @abates25: The chart is not very suitable for a carrier like T-Mobile USA with two sets of different pricing schemes.

This should be published in every one of the nations newspapers! There are so many people who are ignorant on the subject!

Our packages are thrown all over, have you ever seen the inside of a sorting factory or during loading for transport to our homes? That was tame...

Yeah Bing will never beat out Google in the search game.

I friggin' love this, especially since I myself didn't really know all of those to be perfectly honest.

I would say this is a good device for some people...for me not so much. I live on my phone 24/7. It's my internet gateway for my laptop, it's my cars music player, and it's how I communicate with everyone! I can barely breathe if I leave my phone in the other room...

I'm sorry, but a review on a tech gadget from a newspaper, is just as bad as them attempting to "review" a video game....

@theanyday: I lol'd for real on that one...