
Is this some deep metaphor of how complicated our lives our getting by having so many digital applications running our lives, in a non cohesive format spreading our attention and focus so thin we lose touch with what is really important in our lives?

How come anytime my Chrome crashes (which is a few to many times!) I had to restart the whole browser anyways because it stopped working altogether? Browser crash protection seems pretty pointless in that case..

...Box looks stupid

This is probably all part of Apple's master plan to make people get rid of the idea of keeping something more than a year...

@nvleafs: I like that photo, it makes me smile right now.

The best part was when he threw out the Brown V. Board of Education haha.

I am totally signing up for this once I get my Galaxy S next month. Then I am going to switch to a data only plan (of which I only pay 5 dollars for!) and do everything through da internet! Mwhaha, (basically) FREE phone!

BTW Bitch Slapping wins everything!

Some of these are great, and others have simple things like spelling errors..why are they on here!!!??

I take offense to the assumption this article makes that anyone born after 85 has not made a mix tape from the radio! I was born in 86 and made plenty a mix tape in my day. Thank you much to my poverty stricken childhood I was also playing an original Nintendo in the PlayStation era.

@sudosudont: I would buy a Kindle 3 on day and date if it can do the following...

OMG You win the day for photoshopping a Gob magic act pic. Hooray and congratulations abound!

I only want to use a Google music service if it is discounted from the absurd 1.29 for songs Amazon and iTunes charges.

Yeah I wouldn't think they would let people split it among 4 consoles...otherwise a league of super connected Xbox gamers will just all split the costs online on the internets.... That's good..haha, just to be a prick though I would love to buy an iPhone 4 at the Mac store and then return it an hour later...

@Incoherent: I did it myself because I was so inclined...

No infinite looping dimensions of Acer computers within Acer computers? :(

I'm pretty disgusting apparently, because I don't see anything as it's supposed to be in this photo...

My question is does Apple warn you with this when buying the iPhone 4 with the iOS4 pre-installed and ready to go? I would forsee some sort of either legitimate or frivolous lawsuit brought about because of that if its not disclosed on the iPhone 4.