
That dandy that the magnet is strong enough. But I have never understood why someone would want a screen on their fridge, when cooking how often are you in front of the fridge? When I cook I spend maybe 10 seconds in front of the fridge, and the rest of the time by the counter, stove, or sink preparing or cleaning up

Red Dawn is entirely Colorado...Your logic of what you deem cool is failing spectacularly.

I like your response "Sorry to disappoint" haha, I'm not disappointed, what is this? haha. The "magic" is different to everyone, it's not even really a measurable thing. But my post was explaining what has happened to me with it, but good for you!

I'm glad someone here is able to objectively see what he was saying. He might have misspoke a bit about Steve Jobs, but I'm glad not everyone is willing to throw him under the bus for his comments.

I'll give him that whole magical argument, but it wasn't Steve Jobs who killed the magic. I think it was the internet, the ability to instantly share information, and technology in general. Now before you jump on me like a lame troll, hear me out.

You might not agree with it, but I need to clarify to you I am not defending banks, I am defending rights. The only reason I posted on this story is far too many people were complaining as if rights were at risk. Confusing rights is a dangerous game.

It's not a right if that right is dependent upon someone else for that "right" to be fulfilled, therfore them restricting how you use the tools they provide like debit cards, credit cards etc. for their business is not a restriction of your rights in anyway.

That is great you are responsible, but ultimately the bank is a business, and have operating costs and their goal is to make money. So it is entirely warranted.

Just out of curiosity, which 1% cash back card do you have with no yearly fees? I have had credit for years, but have recently felt ripped off paying my credit on time, yet not being eligible for any bonuses.

This is actually really great if you think about it. No one is telling you if you can or cannot use your money. It's your money so ultimately you can use it if you want. What is happening is the bank is restricting the convenience tools they created for it.

I get phones every 2-3 months. The last phone I downloaded it on was the Captivate.

What the!? I don't even know how to respond to you. You jumped 6 ways to Sunday with assumptions I have no idea how you came up with!

CRAP! I totally downloaded the Spider Man Google. Wow, seriously, NOT buying an Android phone. This upsets me seriously. I think I am going back to Blackberry.

Regular traditional news outlets lost my respect for their gadget news years ago...but it's still entertaining to watch for things just like this haha.

I'm surprised people haven't realized Apples business strategy.

I could relate this video to a plexi glass toilet...just like the song it makes NO SENSE! Why backwards, oh why!?

That is correct. They technically have a limit of use, at which point they throttle your throughput, but I've n ever seen them enforce it...because who used 10GB+ each month streaming on his T-Mobile HD2 and has 2 thumbs, this guy!

Um Verizon yearly contract perk is for everyone, that is an everyone perk?? This also isn't coming out of my ass, this is coming from physically having activated numerous 1 year contracts on ATT, and T-Mobile.

I wonder what the thought process was when posting this... "Yes the readers will definitely focus on the gadget part of this..this is definitely a gadget sensation post!"

You should have marked that NSFW cause that's some gadget porn right there!!!