
They don’t care about selling you hardware, they care about selling you Game Pass. Most (all?) of what they showed here is going to be on Game Pass. So yea, Sony’s presentation is going to look a lot more impressive from the lens of “should I buy next gen hardware or not?” because that is what it was - a marketing

I’ve literally been asking “why the hell would I ever buy an Xbox” for like seven years and they continually fail to provide any sort of compelling answer.

It honestly feels like they should just pull a Sega and go software only since it seems like they are leaning into Gamepass far more than the system itself.

You can’t bring that up. It’s entitlement. Because these companies are unable(or unwilling) to allocate budgets properly or have some real focus, that’s your fault and you need to make up the difference.

replace the front axle with a similar subframe to the rear, and you’d have a jeep which handles like a supercharged fiero.

I don’t really know what foreclosures and evictions have to do with video game prices”. Are you sure you don’t know that people require basic life necessities before exorbitant luxuries like $500 consoles that sell games for $70? I bet that you DO actually know this.

Which was derived from the vaunted Buick V8 developed at the same time, with both meant to be sister engines. Of which that V8 was sold to Rover, who used it to power everything from the Triumph TR8 to the original Land Rover, and which only stopped being developed and used because Jaguar had finally been forced to

My 1962 Willys Jeep with 70HP, 5:38-1 gearing, 4WD Lo, and low 1st gear would crawl over anything. I didn’t need an auto, I just left it in manual and didn’t have to use the clutch much.

When it comes to technical work, autos win. No one really claims otherwise.  This is allowing you to enjoy rowing your gears where it will spend 90% of its time (the road) and still have control off-road.  Plus there are some tertiary benefits like bump starting if your battery is flat and so on.  

Because fun.  

Not sure where “here” is for you, but In Michigan(and other states as well I’m sure) all you need is a VIN and they will issue a title and plate for whatever you brewed up in your meth-shed. No inspection needed.

Because people find it fun? Once you’re buying an off-roader, if you aren’t a farmer or forest service employee or logger or something, you’re already buying an impractical vehicle. 

“Game prices have been stagnant most of my life and game devs are woefully overworked and underpaid. AAA companies should absolutely bump up the price next gen IMO. I just also want them to funnel that money directly to the workers, and I don’t have much faith in that. But that’s a different story.”

Like I said, I’ve never played Future. And unless Sega bothers liberating it from the Xbox’s library, likely never will. But you’re not the first person I’ve heard say that they greatly enjoyed Future despite not caring for the original. And it does sound like it addresses most of my issues with the first game. So,

So long as there’s no timer (or a far less aggressive one), the camera doesn’t suck, and the momentum isn’t awful, I’m in.

If you could ever get that engine to apply all of its effort through those rear tires, this thing would do a backflip.

Dead front axle, cut up engine bay that now holds a gas tank, very heavy engine and transmission held in place by rebar... This thing has so many options for how it will kill you.

Some people look at this and say “Why?”.

This is solid, science-backed advice that absolutely everyone should follow but only half, apparently, will.

And remember to mask during your combat. I know you want to kill them, but you don’t want to spread coronavirus.