
“To make the statement those reviewers demanded would be for us to assume that there are those in our community who are hateful racist bigots. This directly contradicts the experiences we’ve had within our community.”

anyone who unironically starts talking about virtue signalling has plugged themselves into the alt right hivemind. Definitely flirts with racist adjacent ideology at a minimum

It’s volunteers, he’ll find people, the content will start becoming right wingy and then the dude will be shocked his comments section is an absolute cess pool. That or it'll go full red pill and he'll nurture said cess pool. 

At this point, you can’t stay neutral on this.  It’s a matter of human rights.  Staying silent is not an option. 

I’m frequently disgusted with how many truly horrible people exist in the gaming world.  

I’m convinced that anyone who uses ‘virtue signaling’ in earnest is at best lacking empathy, at worst, has none at all and sees what most of us know to be compassion as a cynical ploy to advance our individual interests. As such, those people are to be disregarded quickly after the statement is made.

Dude is a stubborn fool and just dug his heels into the ground instead of putting in the relatively low effort of some kind of statement of support for BLM. But that’s kinda the point! He could have just said “We believe board gaming should be an inclusive community, we denounce racism, board games are for everyone

Judging by the diversity I see playing table-top at the local comic shop when I swing in to pick up my pull list... it’s almost exclusively white men.

I was just thinking that guy should have a job offer from the Trump Campaign any minute now, he has their language mastered.

He knows, he just doesn’t want to accept that the community he serves isn’t exclusively white.

To make the statement those reviewers demanded would be for us to assume that there are those in our community who are hateful racist bigots.


To make the statement those reviewers demanded would be for us to assume that there are those in our community who are hateful racist bigots. This directly contradicts the experiences we’ve had within our community.

The shit about there aren’t racists in the board game community, the use of the phrase “virtue signaling” which is mostly used by those who are socially convervatives, the whole statement about moral purity, etc.

which dog whistles? I thought that guy was openly a mega liberal

No. He didn't. He's pretending he just doesn't want to get involved with politics when he's obviously anti-BLM. He has a number of conservative dog whistles in his post but is too much of a coward to admit that's the real reason he won't put out a statement supporting them.

He’ll find replacements. There’s no shortage of AllLivesMatter fuckwittery in the tabletop space.

Sounds like one guy is out of a website unless he can run it alone, and another site that’s fully staffed is about to pop up.

It’s weird how so many people miss how much of gaming of all mediums is tied into community. 

Games are about community and inclusion and fun and that piece of shit Lake Leafy is that piece of shit who is having none of that, the irony of a board game company owner.