
I agree, it’s a very fun raid mechanically and when you final get everything to click, it is very satisfying. What soured me on the experience though was running that raid so much during their BS 80% infusion period and stingy hard mode drops. It also didn’t help how the group I was playing with was not very

@TheNanoRaptor @Cordingly how do you all feel about games like Mass Effect: Andromeda or The Witcher 3 where there are so many sides quests and little things to explore? I’m also at that age where I can’t do games like Dark Souls or Nioh that require hours of repetition and mastering mechanics to advance because

after reading your comment, I realize I was a bit harsh and would care to elaborate. My initial feeling of ROI was mainly due to how much humor TTK had, then going to ROI, seeing that humor vanish or more like get buried. Though with TTK, I grew to hate the King’s Fall raid with such a fiery passion. To this day, I

Love your name by the way!

Gah, you’re right, it should be Eris Morn. I haven’t been back in Destiny for a while, though that changes today with the age of triumph update, so I totally mixed up the spelling. Maybe Moris Erin will make an appearance in Destiny 2 as her counterpart who is super happy, dresses in all white and loves Christmas.

Not really. You might appreciate the Destiny 1 Story/Lore references more if you do pick up Destiny 2 by playing Destiny 1 but at this point, it’s not necessary. There’s always youTube videos if you ever really want to see what Destiny 1 was all about.

They did, then they dropped the ball with Rise of Iron in my opinion. Rise of Iron took itself way too seriously and Lord Saladin was your typical gruff, “I’m only going to say what’s necessary” protagonist. The story missions were fun but the tone and writing was too much year 1.

I think my distaste for the Hive reminds me too much of the Zerg, xenomorphs and other biological enemies that are all hive mind and are relentless killing machines. There’s no personality, no character, just an all consuming threat, much like a virus. I feel like those types of villians are too easy to write.

Not gonna lie, this teaser got me really interested in Destiny 2. Hopefully it’s more Taken King and less Dark Below/Rise of Iron. It’s nice to see the Cabal back as a threat instead of seeing them taking a back seat to all the other enemy factions, especially since they hinted in the Taken King expansion as them

They hinted at this during the Taken King expansion. It was nice because I honestly got sick of the Cabal taking a back seat to all the other enemy factions. They were the most interesting besides the Fallen mainly because they weren’t your typical “unstoppable swarming enemy” like the taken or the hive. I really

I agree. I think they hit a really good balance with The Taken King expansion. The threat seemed real and there were scripted moments with Cayde-6 and the rest of the characters that were charming and fun. They even made Moris Erin cool (her banter with Cayde-6 was the highlight of that expansion). I hope D2's story

Mass Effect: Andromeda can be janky as fuck sometimes but goddamit is combo’ing biotics so fun and satisfying.

Finishing Horizon Zero Dawn then finally jumping on that Mass Effect: Andromeda train, CHOO CHOO EVERYONE!

I have 2 sons who are on the spectrum and there are times where I have to stop myself from breaking down and crying because I will need to definitely have to have this conversation with them. I can’t imagine the Father’s who have to have that conversation with their daughters about sexual assault. I love my kids but

When ever I see a Destiny article on Kotaku, I always think of “Press X for JASON”.

Here in Burbank, CA, drivers notoriously run red left turn arrows giving the other left turners less time to make their turn. It’s infuriating. They also hate pedestrians.

Watching videos like these give me the itch to buy a dash cam but also, I need to get a back up cam as well. Did Jalopnik ever do a “Your Favorite Dash Cam”?

My god, ground zeros was soo good and better, in my opinion, compared to MGS5. The smaller environment of the game worked so well and playing it again reminded me so much of an MGS remake. I couldn’t stand to finish MGS5. Having to helicopter back to motherbase, traveling vast distances to start a mission, it was all

Goddamn Caillou. Though Norman price from fireman sam is equally annoying, as is Elvis.