
Have you tried the Mercari marketplace app? I’ve used it to sell and buy things, I’m currently looking for a switch and pspGO but I’ve had good success with the app and people are really nice about giving information and updates.

I’ve usually roll my eyes at these but this was by far the best.

You know I thought I wasn’t going to like it but I’m glad I got it because it was nice to play mega man x and the Super Nintendo really is the system that got me hooked on video games. Now if Sony made a PSOne classic, I would buy that in a heart beat.

I’m really into my sword and shield but love the long sword on solo trips to get more damage. The small bow gun is great with groups and I feel like I didn’t spend enough time with the insect glaive.


I was using this at first without the buffs and switched to sword and shield but after your tips I want to go back!

This looks awesome. I’m always a huge fan of 2D metroidvania games and this looks like it’s just up my alley.

I’m one of those people who’ve written it off in the past before but thinking about it recently after Samus returns was released and it was most likely do to not giving it enough time. I still plan on going back to it, especially after the ending for samus returns.

Bethesda open world games, especially Skyrim. Their pull is too much. Though I did. Thoroughly enjoy assassin’s creed origins world more than I thought I would. Very fun to run around and combat was great.

The one time I got enough people together to play this, it was a blast! I’m surprised Square-Enix never ported this for online co-op.

I know how you feel. I farmed LEGO pieces in LEGO Batman 3 because my son needed Larfleeze for his lantern collection. It took me an entire afternoon.

I feel that’s the point I’m at now. I did this all over again after convincing myself that D2 was going to be different, yet here I am, waiting for the game that should be or could be. The only difference between this and D1 was that it was a new IP and experience.

I would have loved to have had this game, don’t know why no publishers are interested in space sims/shooters anymore. I miss the days of descent, free space, wing commander and the x-wing series. I had the chance to try out PSVR through the plus membership program and played the Battlefront 1 VR missions. Good god it

Does GTAV Online have private sessions so you’re not constantly getting killed and griefed? That’s the one thing I liked about RDR online was it had separate PVE servers to avoid being harassed and killed over and over by the same person(s)

I was talking to my coworker about this and we’re both in the same situation. We finished Osiris, with much force because we paid for the season pass, but the whole time I was asking myself the question another commenter asked, is this fun?

This is the reason I haven’t gotten around to Gyo. I read a few pages and didn’t seem to grab me. Then again, reading uzumaki first might’ve been me blowing my spiral to early. Sad we’ll never get silent hills, would’ve love to see Ito’s influence all over it.

Why does your theme music sound like a 90's sitcom? Besides that, I love the podcast.

Same here!

Same here. I remember somewhat burning through books 4 and 5 mainly because it’s just a bunch of characters walking in circles, Dany and Brienne in particular, so I vaguely remember Euron. But that passage in the article makes me think I should’ve paid way more attention. Victarion was just annoying though.

Condolences to his family. I loved the soundtracks to both games, it was always top notch and went with the theme and overall atmosphere. Rest In Peace Mr. Litch