Plus, if you’re going to call your team the Indians, you might as well go for a more Indian theme - Bollywood dance numbers for seventh-inning stretch, samosas and naan at the concession stand, that sort of thing.
Plus, if you’re going to call your team the Indians, you might as well go for a more Indian theme - Bollywood dance numbers for seventh-inning stretch, samosas and naan at the concession stand, that sort of thing.
I’m too old to be a millennial by a considerable margin. Still, I have noticed I use hedging phrases like “I feel (or, more often “I think” or “it seems to me”) too often and am trying to break myself of the habit.
I thought the headline said “Stanky-ass”. And it’s Deadspin, so I just went with it.
The year after Colbert’s epic appearance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, they went safer than safe and brought in Rich Little.
Because they honestly still believe, regardless of all evidence, that they’re the fearless, intrepid Fourth Estate. They really hate when someone points out that they’re a bunch of comfortable hacks whose shilling for those in power would make Pravda blush.
The man has enormous brass ones, no question.
He did, in fact, have a turd in his pocket.
Hockey was great at the 1980 Winter Olympics. Since then, Eh.
ESPN, where the studio lights are as hot as the taeks!
All of it, would have to be my guess.
And the day after this election, the 2018 election season starts, thank you Citizens United and the Scalito supreme court.
Write what you know.
Fuck this fucking fucker, who got off way too fucking lightly.
Too lazy to post “Why not both?” meme. But, why not both?
“ appears to have been the kind of party that ended with unused drugs just left laying around.”
Analrapist? Naw, that’s Kobe (allegedly).