
Nope. Rest of the world is fine. For the rest of the world. As long as our lower divisions are still basket cases, it makes no sense for us.

It seems like the biggest victims in america are cops, according to cops. It really grates on me.

I hope Margery is already starting on the 2016 WYTS...I’d hate for him to forget any of this.

And it’s still not the most dysfunctional thing to come out of the Redskins this week.

real talk - who the heck approved this font? This is awful.

We can thank republicans for wanting to hold teachers accountable with their standardized testing crap. So, HOLD TEACHERS ACCOUNTABLE BUT DONT YOU DARE CRITIQUE LAW ENFORCEMENT!

Truth! It’s because oversensitive hysterics cannot hear any valid criticism of whatever they worship. It’s like a toddler’s relationship with Mommy— Mommy is perfect in every way, so toddler cannot hear anything that denies Mommy’s 100% perfection. I think it comes from not having enough other facets in one’s life to

Many, you're in the minority.

Of course. It’s clear the Lt. Governor didn’t even consider the likely outcome of black people doing any of these things. Or maybe he did...

And for heaven’s sake, don’t be a POC. Or wear a hoodie.

I agree completely. The fact that someone has volunteered to carry a weapon and wield authority over others doesn’t make me want to give him a pat on the head.

I always think people who do that are actually congratulating themselves.

I’m with you, but at least there’s an argument to be made that military members are way underpaid for what they do. My understanding is that the largest single group on social assistance programs (like food stamps) are military families.

No, I feel the same way about people serving in the military, although I would never say that aloud irl.

“Start calling our officers sir and ma’am all of the time. It’s a show of respect they deserve.”

Am I the only one who sees cops as people doing a job and they don’t deserve some kind of extra special super respect just for doing that job? I mean, if they do something beyond their job, that’s different, but we pay them to do their jobs, they don’t need me to buy then a sandwich.

They aren’t fucking soldiers coming back from a tour in Fallujah, they’re high school graduates that are armed to the teeth and bored as tits.

I don’t understand how valid criticism of officers caught acting illegally, unprofessionally, or with prejudice equates to being anti-cop in general. No profession, especially one so vital (because no one is arguing that we need to do away with laws or enforcement altogether), should be immune from review and

Respect is a 2-way street, pal.

Forgive me if I’m more concerned with the lives of citizens being murdered by trigger-happy nuts with badges than with the fee-fees of a bunch of emotionally stunted (mostly) men.