Now that’s just crazy talk.
Now that’s just crazy talk.
My own feeling is that they can prefer it all they want, but then what to call people from India, of whom there are over a billion? So I call ‘em Native or Indigenous Americans.
I thought the ball had already gotten away from her. Very harsh to award a penalty kick for that, in my opinion.
I would totally have the cake for the boss’ birthday party made there!
I was cheering for England, but in a tournament full of ify penalty calls, that may well have been the iffiest yet.
They also orchestrated a campaign of harrassment online against these people who just wanted a fucking cake for their wedding. They got death threats from strangers, just because they tried to buy a cake.
But... but... our straight wedding cake was covered in rainbows and vaginas and dicks because the Missus and I thought they looked so, so cool.
My parents raised me as a 74-year old. My first words were “Get off my damn lawn”.
See, to me that looks more like a “Just let loose a Silent But Deadly” smirk.
I don’t fucking care if it’s a fucking assault rifle or not. I don’t want that fucking shit anywhere near me.
Robbing the place if we’re fucking lucky. Geezus H.
She could hurt me and make me like it (fans self).
Well, thank you!
The Australian version of 911? I’m guessing that’s 116.
I’m guessing NASCAR wouldn’t be thilled with people flying dildo flags at their races, either. It would be a (very little) bit entertaining to see how it played out, though.
I’m thinking, whatever karmic debt the US owes from Sasic’s miss and the iffiness of our PK call has to be outweighed by this cruel fluke compounded by the Japanese team’s unabashed joy, am I right?
In principle, I see your point.
Easily the worst ending to a great game I have ever seen. And I’m a Seahawks fan.
“The liberal media that developed this week was disgusting: Apparently Bobby isn’t brown enough for them,” wrote Timmy Teepell, Jindal’s campaign manager, in an email to supporters.