Bette YoSweetass!

Filed to: Like the deserts miss the rain. lol

Kudos for admitting he cheated.

This is old new in black gossip sites. Everyone knew about his cheating ass. I think his cheating makes him less attractive.

He makes me think he’s a derpier version of Mathew Perry.

Joe Scarborough has the weirdest head-size to facial feature-size ratio I’ve ever seen.

Yep, I cried.

Paris’s little brother Conrad Hilton was arrested for allegedly violating a restraining order, attempted breaking and entering, and now, grand theft auto.

Love what Minaj did. Sometimes students really just need a cash payment, not to have to fill out pages for scholarships that amount to piddly squat.

Before ACA, my dad had lung cancer. He was convinced he was going to die so he decided not to treat and leave my mom in horrible debt. He died in the middle of the night after not being able to move off the couch for three weeks. No pain meds. No hospital stay. Nothing but my mom sleeping on the other couch watching

I watched the original interview and the article leaves out that all of this was said in a very light-hearted and facetious manner. He wasn’t seriously complaining about not being recognized. He was joking about it. I have fairly neutral opinions regarding Bacon but the article sort of misrepresents the interview.

The police officer’s parents are already in the media trying to spin him as a “good father” and a “family man”, never mind that he’s divorced and has two children born within 12 days of each other by two different women.

I’m just loving all those poor sweet earnest souls coming in to inform us dummies that most politicians don’t read bills so this is really nbd and we should all calm down.

I wish his obvious remorse (he looks like he’s been crying) was for his victim instead of his own predicament.

A few days ago I mentioned I was making a poster to motivate myself to study for the bar. Well guess what?

Im like 5 days hopefully from giving birth and I can barely make a fist. My hands look like Mickey Mouse gloves.

As a currently 8 months pregnant woman who can barely function for a host of reasons, I would like to say “Fuck those women.”

I feel like you consider yourself a genius, but between the muscles that help you shit not working that way and squatting being just as easy while helping cheek separation and thus being cleaner, you seem more insane than ingenius.

I feel like you consider yourself a genius, but between the muscles that help you shit not working that way and

I went up a shoe size too. But I also went from stick-straight, thin hair to wavy, thick hair. I thought it was the pre-natal vitamins, but my daughter is 18 and my hair continues to be fabulous.

I keep seeing that people are like all over Beyonce for her swollen lips, like she got injections. They did the same thing to Kim Kardashian. I don’t get it. It didn’t happen to me, but the swelling in the lips and nose (which both of them have/had swollen noses, too!) happened to my twin sister and is so common in

I’m sure walking around with shit all up and down the back of your legs is quite convenient!

I’m sure walking around with shit all up and down the back of your legs is quite convenient!