God, Shulkie, that's awful! I hope the accident works out somehow so that you get screwed on this as little as humanly possible. Hopefully they do manage to catch the asshole.
God, Shulkie, that's awful! I hope the accident works out somehow so that you get screwed on this as little as humanly possible. Hopefully they do manage to catch the asshole.
I just started Du Maurier's Rebecca last night. What a visually evocative writer she is!
Yes, thank you! I'm a little anemic, but I'm taking iron supplements.
Doubling down on my own life and goals, re-learning the tarot, reading, watching tv, avoiding the news where I can.
what what
I love that you are so committed to going out and protesting. You rock.
It's a thing I can totally see Missy doing and not remarking on it at all. Just a wink, maybe.
I never thought it all out like that. I like that.
I really think so.
never mind.
Cold Ethyl.
We are the Portrait of Donald Trump.
Soooo… he's basically his character in Beautiful Girls, a complete dick? Okay.
How fun would that be? Run a few normal seasons, then make the last season Afterlife With Archie and just watch the bloodbath.
47 here and me too. I'm giving it a shot tonight. We'll see.
I know, right? I've got my annual physical scheduled for Monday morning (yuck. All the annual lady stuff too.) and after that, I'm going shopping for a new doctor.
I feel the same way about Jeffery/Jeffrey. Could have sworn it always used to be Jeffery but that doesn't actually seem to be the case.
Every time I have my blood pressure taken and it's 120/80, my doctor tells me that's too high and she might want to medicate me again. I think she's nuts. Once, I did get all the way up to 180/90 and thought I might actually die.
For second I forgot which show we were talking about, Supernatural or Mad Men.
Mary Richards was an early hero of mine. I grew up watching The Mary Tyler Moore Show when I was little and wanted to grow up to be just like her. When I moved to a bigger city and got a job in a real downtown with skyscrapers and everything, I actually tossed my hat in the air once while waiting for a light to…