
True story: For all of my childhood and well into my second year of college, I coughed not into my first, put into my open palm. I’d usually kind of cup my hand around my mouth so the germs went back and down towards my torso.


Can you not

Locomotive is a troll. I’d step away if I were you.

It didn’t. :(

Oh, damn, that’s a bad one, too.

HAHAHA really? I didn’t notice. I still don’t understand how dismissing comments works (because somehow, after 7 or 8 years of commenting here, I’m still in the greys). But I was wondering why it said that there was -1 reply to my comment.

Yeah, I noticed a lot of commenters basically saying, “I agree with you, but since you’re being snarky about it, we’ve got problems.” And, honestly, you weren’t even being snarky in your original post. Maybe slightly confrontational, but no more so than was appropriate with this issue.

Yeah, and I’ve been getting a little more caught up in attempting to engage with commenters than is necessarily healthy for me. :/ But thanks for doing what you’re doing. Someone needs to be a voice of reason (and compassion and basic decency) in this io9 shithole*, and you seem to be handling it well, all things

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Doesn’t really seem like you do.

Oh, this is fun. Look up the definition of “hate speech.” Compare to the definition of “insult.” For clarification, remember that one can get you in trouble with the law and one cannot.

Are you really throwing a tantrum over people asking you to respect them? Fuck you.

So, like, all the science and psychology out there disagrees with you, as well as basic human decency, but whatever.

But most people in this thread are not displaying any signs of figuring it out and moving on. So, no understanding for them.

I love how your idea of “censorship” involves commenters refusing to approve others’ replies to them WHEN SAID REPLIES CONTAIN HATE SPEECH. You idiot.

Damn, Stephanie Allyne is beautiful!

“Setting the movement backwards?” lol, fuck you. Artiofab is just making a conscious effort not to misgender someone, and to encourage others to also not misgender that person. YOU’RE the one who’s “setting the movement backwards.”

Holy shit, you are so fucking uneducated on this it’s like you’re not even trying.

Yeah, he handled it very well, at least publicly. But it’s good to get some backstory, because awful men know how to make themselves seem woke/reformed/contrite.

This is a great article.