
True story: For all of my childhood and well into my second year of college, I coughed not into my first, put into my open palm. I’d usually kind of cup my hand around my mouth so the germs went back and down towards my torso.


Can you not

Locomotive is a troll. I’d step away if I were you.

It didn’t. :(

Oh, damn, that’s a bad one, too.

Damn, Stephanie Allyne is beautiful!

Yeah, he handled it very well, at least publicly. But it’s good to get some backstory, because awful men know how to make themselves seem woke/reformed/contrite.

This is a great article.

Oh DAMMMN. I shoulda just Googled, it. Sorry!

Anyone else think this article was about Harry Potter squirrels at first? No? Just me?

Oh, god...I’ve never thought to pronounce it that way. How the hell do BOTH pronunciations of my initials involve jizz???

I might need some receipts on that, because...“me thinks?” “Cloddish cohorts?” “Mischievious?”

Haha, how did you pronounce it?


Yes. Exactly like that. Thanks for ruining that song for me forever. :P

Haha, yeah. In my better moments, that’s what I see it as, too.

Haha, that’s hilarious! They were probably trying to read some meaning into your cryptic “eh.”

Now that is something I could get behind.

Ugh, I feel your pain. I go by my middle name, so I’ve been having people call me by the wrong name (and try to email me at the wrong email address) my whole life.