
Well, you’re sweet to say so. :) But I should clarify that, to me, those words will always sound sexual. Like...semen.

Nope. Don’t be sorry. I read it that way, too, and that’s exactly why I don’t like it.

I don’t like monograms because I hate the way my initials look/sound when I read them in my head: CMN. It sounds like someone trying to say “come on” with no vowels.

Are you a fellow #BFFer? I thought there might be some of us in the comments! (I’m Michaela, by the way, in case you want to find me).

As someone mentioned in another thread, Modcloth is better...ish.

Ugh, she’s coming to speak in my city soon, and, in this Facebook group of young professional women in the area that I’m a part of, a lot of people have been talking about going to see her. I’m always tempted to say something, ‘cause NastyGal is not my idea of a good company, and Amoruso is not my idea of a #girlboss.


Rolls his ankle and then sad music comes on and he starts talking about how he won’t stop dancing because he’s thinking about what the troops go through every day. WTF?

I miss The Toast so fucking much.

Ohh, what was that controversy? (Sorry, I know very little about this).

Yeah, it sounds like Evolve is just planning on keeping the archives accessible. Which I’d already assumed would be par for the course.

The take-home of this whole mess is that we don’t have nearly enough queer women’s media out there to represent us. I was reading the comments on the Autostraddle post about AfterEllen’s closure yesterday, and somebody said something that gave me literal chills: “Imagine if this happens to Autostraddle, too, and all


I just watched “Going Clear,” and holy shit, Scientology is so much worse than I even thought it was. It doesn’t surprise me that people turn into dicks when they’re members--the fear of ostracization and subsequent organized stalking/life-ruining if you step out of line (or if you even remain in contact with friends

Lol, ok...thanks for the totally unnecessary boner update.

You mean...the Raiders? That’s the name of the “Oakland football team.”

Agreed. Also, their sound isn’t going to get old soon--it already is. Once something reaches the top of the charts, it’s definitely no longer a “current” thing. Their style is honestly very late 2014/early 2015 to me (and I realize how much of a jackass I sound like saying that, haha).

Right, she’s like, “I’m a chill person, but I’m also a ticking time bomb, so run for your fucking lives.”

Redacted due to failure of reading comprehension on my part.

I live in the SF Bay Area, and it’s Burning Man season here. The first thing I thought when I saw the image for this article (before reading the headline) was that it was an image of Burners (because cultural appropriation is so rampant in Burner/festival culture, so I’ve been seeing a lot of images like this on