
(So the following is clear - the ‘You’ used is not directed at anyone here, it’s a generalized ‘you’) The whole idea of how shaming is wrong kinda bucks the whole concept of the complete course of human history. When we chose to join a group, the collective social rules of right/wrong are one of the main precepts the

I work 7 days a week on covid response and had to send my kids to live with their grandparents, but yeah, sure, I shouldn’t judge people who take holidays, have large gatherings, don’t wear masks etc. despite all the government warnings and rules enforcing guidelines around those things. 

This is one HELL of a bad take. Wow.


I feel this little ditty from 3 months ago might be relevant to this conversation

I don’t say a word, just make eye contact and point at my mask. 

I don’t shame or scold because, as another commenter wrote, no one cares what I think. I don’t consider myself that militant. I understand that people and situations are grey. I appreciate the nuance and I am *still* judging those who play at social distancing, the people on my timeline who made New Year’s posts

You want me to be empathetic to someone who lacked the empathy to stay the fuck home and not kill someone’s grandma over a stupid social gathering. Ok. Being shamed over selfish behavior is a mild punishment.

Shaming simply doesn’t work as a means of persuasion”

I am gonna continue to name and shame the shit out of anyone I personally know who is being reckless in these darkest of times. If not for their own health, then for the health of anyone in their orbit.

I don’t feel bad about judging people at all during this. When I see a moron walking around the store 9 months into the pandemic with his nose sticking out of the top of his mask, then he deserves to be mentally labeled in my head as a fucking idiot.

“Over dinner with a different friend not long after, I learned that someone had termed a picnic gathering I attended...”

A friend of mine, Becca Schuh, a freelance writer and bartender, told me this was partly the source of her frustration when, soon after outdoor dining opened, she saw people using Twitter as a soapbox to argue that it was unethical to patronize restaurants because of the risks to service workers.

I will admit that earlier in the pandemic I was definitely part of the pandemic-shaming group. And, like an earlier commenter noted, I’m still side-eyeing the hell out of people who are flying across the country for a vacation or having maskless weddings, etc. (especially as someone who canceled my wedding so that no

I don’t see anyone shaming anyone for going to work. I see people shaming other people for going on vacations, going shopping maskless, and going to clubs/bars. None of which anyone HAS to do. I know this because I’ve managed to not do it in almost a year!! Because being responsible is not limited to people with

Wait, are you defending anti-maskers because you think “viruses don’t spread that way”? Because everyone from Fauci to my (former) immunology professor to my (former) microbiology professor, and my previous employer (that I had to leave due to the pandemic) all say to stay home, and if you have to leave the house then

I probably come across as a sanctimonious scold as well, but I will say in my defence that here in Toronto — where there is more of a social safety net but low-income workers and POC are still getting fucked over the most by the virus — the people I see people breaking quarantine, the people to whom I’m referring are

People who are extra careful can get sick, just as those who are (or appear to be) careless might.”

Right? This is an overly-wordy take that boils down to, “don’t take sides, you don’t know the whole story” except.... no, this is a case where you can absolutely take sides and arguably have a moral obligation to do so.

Naming and shaming does work, which is why Gaysovercovid is a “success” in turning many of the men depicted into pariahs, who might lose their friends, family, or jobs. At the end of the day, humans are social creatures, so if the consequence of their callous travels during this most dark of times is being cast out

Yeah. I mean, if straight people were like “Gross, gays are partying." I'd be like "Go mind your own weddings and bars." but I don't think that gay people pointing out other gay people acting irresponsibly is actually homophobia or something.