Out of many, one

What's the problem here? They didn't have stock available for everyone, so they chose a method that rewarded their customers and probably also cut down on scalping. They probably got more consoles in the hands of gamers who actually wanted them than went to people who just want to flip them. 

I remember learning the exploit and using it every time to piss off my friends. For the life of me, I can’t remember how I even learned of it. Did gaming magazines mention this stuff? I definitely did not rely on Google back then.

Edited because hyperlinks in text aren’t working.

That makes sense, given that PS4 games are taking the bulk of the “other” space. PS5 games are already optimized for the SSD, where those files can be accessed so quickly they don’t necessarily need to be stored in RAM—perhaps the “other” space is a workaround for PS4 games because they aren’t set up to use the SSD

Jeff Grubb did tests of moving games between internal and external and it’s very speedy even if the external is an hdd

I’m the same way, currently I have a 6TB external for my one X, I install all the games I can but I generally only really play 2-3 games at one time (generally I have one single player game, one multiplayer game, and sometimes an indie title that catches my attention.) so I don’t see a big deal with installing only

Wait, what? I was supposed to do something after completing those missions? Heck, I don’t think the website even gives you credit for completing the Mario Kart Tour mission until the 29th? 

Oh. DUH. I used to work for Lifewire. Article updated!

Oh. DUH. I used to work for Lifewire. Article updated!

The World Health Organization is using the nose emoji in official communications about a deadly, potentially pandemic disease. What a time to be alive...


You dont seem to understand that you are as awful a person as any MAGA hat wearing person. We don’t need people like them or like you.

this is the worst take

You may be in the minority on this one, unfortunately. 

Yeah how dare they wait for more evidence before making a decision. They did the right thing in the end and it took less than 24 hours, maybe take a chill pill. “Gaming doesn’t have room for inaction anymore” What does that even mean, like what are you saying here? Are you implying that people should be punished

Oh, okay. I'm not really up on whatever cool new awareness blocs of time the kids are into these days. I just try to be a good person that respects everyone's humanity and struggles daily. 

Should be kept permanently.

Giuliani probably thinks you need to wear a condom to ensure you don’t contract VPN.

No Reservations will always be one of my all-time favorite shows. I will visit some of the places he visited, but honestly, he did such a great job of describing the locales, that it’s almost pointless to even travel to them. That’s how good he was. His ability to transmit a feeling to the audience was impeccable.

I wrote this up for a forum after hearing the news, its the best I could do:

Have you ever sucked on a straw to drink a beverage? Did you instantly inhale your coke? How did you survive long enough to learn how to use the internet and post on here?