
I got to see one work in person, they are really cool machines, and the guy who owned it actually printed a smaller 3d printer with it (well the plastic parts anyway). Not sure its $2200 cool but if you found a way to print things for others and make money off it, it would be worth it.

That ticking was weird, anything that would cause that?

Maybe he's one of these in disguise?

All three of you?

Your telling me you had sex and you're a virgin?

How would they know if it was pirated though? I don't know of any way to tell.


A luxury watch made from dead refrigerators.

I used to assume that mine was a lot less than 1000 lumen but I actually think its pretty close, at least 850. I outshined a friend's true 750 lumen flashlight by quite a bit with my 12 dollar one. Heat is a big problem though, when you use high output they get hot fast and the battery only lasts an hour max. Low is

What are you using for a browser? I'm on chrome and it is absolutely ridiculous trying to navigate, trying to go left shows half comments, going back just goes white.

Well maybe just a little :P It could be my last day as a commentor though.

Thank you for this great idea.

Is it really about money? If you have a good time and the food is good that should be enough. I mean what if you did spend $120, and on the way out you accidentally tripped her, she will be pissed no matter what you spent. My advice is go to the best place you can afford and make the best of it. And hope to god that

Please tell me you have fixed the comments so that when you click to scroll over it doesn't jump to a half view of everything and when you click left they disappear all together? Pretty please? I want to like the Kotaku layout but the comments are useless beyond the first two columns!


My friend shared the bill gates one and I told him that it was fake with the link to the Snopes article and he said "worth a try lol" I cannot believe normally smart people can be so dumb on the internet!

Please tell me you have fixed the comments so that when you click to scroll over it doesn't jump to a half view of everything and when you click left they disappear all together? Pretty please? I want to like the Kotaku layout but the comments are useless beyond the first two columns!