
My next dog will be named Dog, pronounced Dee oh gee. :)

Except nobody liked clippy :P

That is a nice name, its not normal, in a really good way.

My child was not produced by a overworked and underpaid Foxconn worker. Seriously though, nobody should be named after a personal cellular device. Although Sara Galaxy S II Skyrocket 4G LTE has a nice ring to it don't you think?

What I was thinking was that design with a blue ray disc inside.

They should re-invent the floppy disk with optical storage, the disc would be inside the casing so it wouldn't get scratched.

Would you like being stuck named iPhone? I'm all for unique names and all but that is just plain wrong. Imagine how much a kid named that would get teased in school. Though Siri doesn't sound too bad :P

Clippy ...

Sometimes I do charge it the way you mentioned just to use each battery, but i have a external desk charger and small battery case so it's very convenient. I rarely bring a second battery with though because i get over a day per charge.

I actually have a separate battery charger for it, sits on the table and just set the battery in and charges, its pretty handy.

VOTE: Acer A500. Full size USB! Why does no other good tablet have this!

Were the four that sucked so bad El-cheapo models? Go pick up any good android and tell me it's too slow to answer a call. For the love of god my cheap prepaid android hasn't crashed since i bought it and is as fast as an iPhone.

This requires you to use a big cable sticking out the bottom to charge. At least with the spare battery its instantly full again, no waiting two hours to charge. Although my time is always off when i switch a battery.

Wow. I was picturing some sort of slim connector at the bottom of that case, I can't believe they would even think that cable was a good idea.

If I'm going to pay for a voice plan I'm going to damn well use it. Phones are now to the point of being pocketable "supercomputers" but most of the time it's faster and easier to just say something.

Yay Acer! Lol

Where do you find these mythical 25ยข interweb dispensers? Haha those numbers are from my home "broadband" connection.

I have at the moment 0.13 mbps upload and 0.4 down. My internet is faster tethered through a 3g cellphone.

Nah I like my android, I just bought a Galaxy Proclaim a couple weeks ago (yea El cheapo but only 45 a month everything unlimited on Verizon!).I've been eyeing that lumia 920 though but that kin just looks so comfy to hold!

If they made a windows phone or a nexus in that body, I would buy it instantly. How do you like the kin? I almost bought one when they came out.