
You do know you can refund within 15 minutes right? That's the best way to test them, you get the full version, and if it sucks delete it and get your money back.

Just seeing the quotes from it here in the comments have me laughing my ass off.

Did they ever produce it? If i ever had a chance to get one i would have used the hell out of it.

Haha I always look close when i play a game or something, damn angry birds :P

True HDR would be taking 3 seperate images and varying exposures of the same scene and combining the dark areas and the light areas into the "average", I would like to see video out of this.

I do not know what to make of your comment..

That would be cool, you could probably mod an existing DSLR with a clear grip or something. I was thinking of if you just put a lens and sensor in the camera above, it would all be white lol

Da fuck is that thing?!

If you look really really close, yes. I can tell the difference from less than a foot.

If they made the LEDs small enough to use them like regular pixels it would probably be as bright as an OLED TV, I think I saw an arcticle on here a while ago about an HDTV made from only LEDs.

Great idea but the light leaks would be terrible!

Oh my God that sounds horrible, it won't happen anytime soon but ahhgg I can't get that image out of my mind. Think of the guy in the movie"The Fly"!

Or even worse, scratch your cellphone!

Holy I just noticed that too, maybe they mean if you need your phone to call 911 and it crashes or something?

That looks like it would hurt to carry in your pocket, does it?

Check out Net10 Prepaid Sim cards, they make one for iPhone's and you just buy a 50 dollar card every month to keep it active, unlimited talk text and 2 GB of data.

Actually that doesn't sound that great.. suffocating sounds pretty terrible

Being dissolved in Hydrochloric acid is pretty high on my list.

Now they need to come out with some ICS and Jelly Bean Roms!

Now that would be cool, seems like something they would do on Breaking Bad, film a scene through the floor