Inara Serra

PS: I have to add, since it’s a pet peeve of mine... It bothers me to no end when the discussion of porn or sex work centers around “what kind of effect is this having on men,” and if someone thinks sex work makes men see women as objects, then women shouldn’t do it. I hate this attitude because it’s the same shitty

I read your long post and loved it too. Thanks for writing it! The voice of sex workers is one of the things that makes jezebel great. It’s so easy for people to condemn porn or sex work because it squicks them out, and so they let their fears about how it affects men run wild. Hearing from sex workers with smart and

You just know these are the same type of cretins who would tell a petty criminal - especially if they were a POC - that they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and accept that actions have consequences, before sentencing them to jail time.

I called my last kinky sex partner Daddy too (only in bed) and haven’t dared tell a soul.

Hugs to you. I empathize with the shame you’re describing. And I also think that your shame is beautiful, because it speaks to your desire for love and healthy relationship. Those are beautiful, valid, healthy wants. I hope you get what you want.

The thing is....there are A LOT OF FAKE DADDY DOMS. They tale advantage of a Little to do psychological abuse. The true Daddy Doms in my experience love taking care of their Little and don’t abuse them. If you’re a brat and get punished? That’s consensual stuff discussed before hand.

I’ve met a lot of Ddlg couples where the Daddy is younger than the Little. Hello fellow kinkster!

It doesn’t necessarily involve age play or bondage. As far as pedophiles hiding in there, while there are always bad apples in any bunch, I doubt it’s often. Pedophiles aren’t drawn to grown women who just happen to dress in childlike fashions, it doesn’t work that way. There is a lot of room for unethical

You could try volunteering for a cause you believe in, or taking a class in something you want to learn about. Even taking a cooking class - even if you don’t make a lot of new friends, you at least have food to eat!

I am sorry. That sounds so...stuck. Sometimes its damned hard to be kind to ourselves, isn’t it? Especially when you don’t have a big reserve of self worth to draw on.

You don’t have to be younger than the person you like to call Daddy. It’s about the dynamic, not the age.

I’m not gross. I’m fabulous and good hearted. And yes, people of all walks have been calling their male lovers Daddy for much, much longer than this

This sounds like a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Extremely Fucked Up Day.

I think religion was an element in his monstrous. I think it is easier to be that awful when you don’t have any doubts. Religion can give some people a certainty which can lead to them doing unconscionable things.

Seriously. I feel for Elizabeth Smart but the anti-porn lobby is using our pre-existing sympathy for an abducted rape victim and it’s a gross tactic. Porn = Sex. Sex requires consent. Neither porn nor sex is good or bad in and of itself. Context is always key—for the makers and consumers of pornography.

I have nothing but respect for her, but porn did not turn him into a monster any more than religion did. He was a monster who conformed what was around him to his vileness.

I mean, I agree, but I often have stress dreams where I am trying to cover up a murder and failing. Every time I wake up and tell my partner “if we ever kill someone, even accidentally, we will go to the police about it!” That’s why I think they were covering up for the son. The only reason to come up with an

Our adoption agency has a similar class. They also have a class specifically for dads to learn how to do their daughter’s hair, no matter what their ethnic background is. Also, one of my sister-in-laws has adopted two bi-racial girls and asked a friend who owns a local hair salon to teach her how to do their hair. She

For families participating in mixed race adoptions our agency goes out of their way to make sure you are physical and cultural differences and that you have a plan to fill in any holes you have in knowledge. The specifically mention differences in skin care needs between races and hair in the black community.

It has been said before (and often here on Kinja) but can you imagine the GOP’s thunderous outrage if someone from Hillary’s camp spoke so openly about killing Dicknuts Donald?