Inara Serra

Forgiveness is not owed, it’s earned. The concept of restorative justice implies that the transgressor has accepted they have erred, as you can see this gentleman does no believe that’s the case. If you want to make a habit of forgiving people who won’t even admit they’ve wronged you go right ahead , but don’t ask me

Yup. I hate getting that type of bullshit as someone with PTSD and depression. And it always comes from people who really have no idea. Like, not that they haven’t ever had any struggles, it’s just nothing in comparison. Like, yeah that time you were sad when you got dumped and what you did to feel better and get over

I hate when people say shit like that. It’s up there with “do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”.

Speaking on behalf of millions of depressives: shut the fuck up, LaToya.

I’m more concerned that he’s going to know how to do that baby’s hair.

yeah, there’s a lot of “you’re great the way you are! there is nothing to change or improve upon” echo chambering on the internet

Just to put that in perspective, here’s a picture of Bieber’s ex girlfriend with his current girlfriend:

She’ll be 18 next week I think. It’s not Tyga level creepy, but couldn’t Justin wait a few weeks.

I’m 22 and I think it’s creepy as hell, so...

Um...maybe the point was that she got to be in charge of all the details, and riding in a new luxury car was something she wanted to do?

This is the best articulation of what I’ve been trying to say about Hillary for a while now.

I’m just a man, standing in front of a girl, asking her if I can sleep with her friend.

I think the question then comes - well, the dude was drunk too, so did the woman rape the man as well? If being drunk is enough to say that consent is not valid, then are they raping each other?

Good ol’ Mitt. Remember when he tried to iron his jacket while wearing it? I miss a candidate we could just laugh at, without crying.

He could tear up a picture of Dale Earnhardt or light a confederate flag on fire.

I’m afraid I judge any relationship which inspires “my kids were taken away, but it’s worth it."

Absolutely not. We her, and need more people like her, in lower courts, where day-to-day decisions get made.

oh my god, can you imagine her covering the westminster dog show?! that sounds SO GREAT!!!

I really like “every space is already a de facto (white) male space, especially after dark.” Thank you. I shall be using this somehow in the future.

Leave it to a U of M guy to mess it up for Michigan State. typical.