Inara Serra

They are so stupidly blinded by their sense of entitlement to “certain” women. So disgusting.

Sotomayor is, as always, wonderful, and one of the best writers on the Court. And Breyer yet again joins the conservatives on search and seizure issues, since he is more statist than the other three liberal members of the court (reflexively siding with the government isn’t a good thing for all issues).

Because is guys have it a thousand times easier in almost everything. Washing our hair literally means in and out of the shower in two minutes and then run a comb through it.

“Trump voters, are you going to siddown in yer frunchroom and tell yer wives and dahturs dat you support some jagbag who thinks wimmin are two tits and a cooter?"

The ISIS connections are legit the least interesting thing about this. Dude was barely educated about ISIS at all other than knowing that they were terrorists in Syria who he could mentally twist into being freedom fighters. He was a shithead closet case with an anger problem and a chronic case of misogyny whose

Oh no, I obviously think it’s Toxic Masculinity. But it’s manifested in so many ways!

Whip Smart is a fantastic Liz Phair album. 14 year old me loved it.

I love that Vogue considers Schumer’s totally unsurprising fondness for the New York Times to be a literary eccentricity requiring ethnographic contextualization:

This reads like something written by a pretentious freshman English major. You know he found sangfroid by Googling “calmness synonym”

You know? Fuck no-fly lists. They’re pretty useless. I want to see the firearms equivalent of SIP laws. Nearly every state has laws in place to make bartenders culpable if they serve to intoxicated persons. They may not be well enforced, but they’re there and legal precedent.

THIS is the argument I’ve had with those who I consider NOT my friends (also know as the “An AR doesn’t do that much damage” cuntbags). I work in Emergency Medicine and believe me, If I had to (touch wood) be shot with a gun and a choice, I’d go handgun/pistol all the way. That’s repairable (mostly; unless someone has

Unless you’re fat. Then he’s kind of shitty.

Not gonna lie: teared up a little.

Like, if he were my husband, coming off Air Force One looking finer as frog hair... we’d be at every event late and I’d have to make sure my wig was on straight.


The world needs more reminders of Shirley Chisholm’s existence, because Shirley Chisholm is one of the all-time top humans of all time.

Too busy cowering in a corner because they don’t understand how fight or flight works despite claiming the know exactly how they’d react in a hypothetical active shooter situation.

So you’re saying you want to date someone with similar hobbies to you, such as weight lifting.

Schumer seems like the kind of person who is extremely nice, funny and articulate while sober and then says douchey shit when she gets loaded, believing it to be entertaining because it was once.

Once you are raped, I mean a real rape, not a fake rape, you’ve got to wear a turtleneck, pants, and a poncho over all of that in perpetuity. How dare you show any skin. It’s like you’re just asking to be raped again! ugh. UGH!