Inara Serra

I was there, too! I took my 11 yr old daughter, and we were both mesmerized from beginning to end. My daughter lost her voice—I’ve never seen her sing so much (and I had no idea she knew every single song like she did). The rain made it extra-special, no? On the way home, my daughter looked at me and said, “I’ll never

I was at this show as well and, let me tell you, I made ~*~SO~*~ many amazing friends with my stranger seatmates of all colors, sexualities, gender identities, sizes, and ages. It was so communal screaming the lyrics to my new soulmates holding hands and cry-hugging in the rain.

Starred for this: “I’ve had more than a few dudes write off my fandom like she’s not as gifted as their Mumford and Sons banjocore hipster stuff and it is so tired.”

I was there too! I was just going to say how much being outside in the rain and elements added to the experience. Everyone’s hair was wet and we’re dancing outside like little kids. It was such a moving experience.

She’s describing a poly relationship. Unclutch your pearls.

Back in 2004 a liberal/libertarian friend bragged that he was going to vote for Bush because he wanted people to see “how bad this country could get” if we put another Republican in power. It makes me sick to think that people torpedo progress because it doesn’t fit their idealized view of the 100% perfect progress.

Far more common than who thought? Because I’m pretty sure most women are not surprised by the news that when rapists get away with one rape, they go commit more. That’s what happens when a society doesn’t take rape as seriously as it should.

She may want to be there?

I’m just glad we can finally focus on the real victim, his dad’s stash of pretzels.

He doesn’t want to hear any more? Women don’t want to live like this any more. He can stop hearing about it when it stops happening.

Look, come on. Crime bad, yeah. Don’t kill people, people! It’s not an okay thing to do.

Hey, you fuckers who want to complain when we use that Atwood quote because it “diminishes men’s experiences”. Come the fuck at me.

I’m not trying to minimize, but that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Every time a spot light is shone on violence against women, on any site, the response is you don’t have it that bad. Men have it way, way worse. Thanks, I feel so much better now.

An armed white guy.

I'm glad they checked the facts behind this photo! Otherwise they may have taken down a perfectly legitimate image of a bleeding, murdered nude woman.

When I was 12, there was a camp counselor (he was 18) who did some creepy grooming shit for probably a year before I realized what was up. My (terrible) parents were aware that this adult man was sending me letters daily, calling the house, asking me to hang out privately and other inappropriate shit on a regular

The worst, most vile kind of gaslighting. You should feel grateful for being violated.

Agreed. Even if there WEREN’T such a huge age difference....she’s his teacher. She is in a position of power. It is her job to protect him, not sleep with him.

Did you date Johnny Depp?!