Inara Serra

To all your questions - I seriously doubt it. The review mentions her possibly being a ‘sociopath,’ so I’m thinking the writers used that as an out so they wouldn’t have to depict what an actual woman would struggle with. Sounds like she’s cold, powerful, and uber sexual (but probably not in a realistic way. Meaning

When will the white man get justice?!?

Close to their age, and yet rarely, rarely OF their age, nor a single day above it.

I agree. I love her, but girlfriend is not a 6 or 8.

I don’t know why Glamour thinks they have to put labels on any of these women.

I really wonder why more women don’t pay for sex. Sometimes I just want an inhumanely gorgeous man to do exactly what I want without having to care about what he wants or how he feels.

Because it is available for the buying.

“Foodies" are the worst kind of people. We all eat girl, we all eat. It doesn't make you special. Go ahead and eat that emu reduction served in the nose of a dead falcon.

In my experience as a long-term escort, there are a few different types of clients, ranked from fave to least fave on my part:

I think Charlie Sheen said it best, “you’re not paying for sex, you’re paying for them to go away.”

Remember, it’s reverse racism if you don’t cast John Lovitz as Martin Luther King Jr.

My first thought at seeing the woman accompanying Janice in the heading photo:

Classic narcissistic behaviour. Refusing to admit the truth. Gas-lighting victims even with actual physical evidence. Lying lying lying about everything. And so calm and unrattled because he’s so removed from the reality the rest of us live in. He is terrifying. I get panicked just reading these things about him. I no about Moz fans who understand that Morrissey is that friend who embarrasses you that you like for unknown reasons, but that you don’t really want your other friends to know you are friends with. What I’m saying is, the Smiths were great.

Disagree. Yes, it sucks to be ghosted. But that doesn’t mean that the other person has permission to stalk/harass you. If they run into you in the grocery store, can they come up and say what happened? Sure. But there’s no answer to that question that would be satisfying. The answer is that person sucks and they

From an outside perspective, I understand your point, but when you’re being abused by someone, you don’t always operate rationally. I worked for an an abusive boss who made me feel like I was so worthless he was my only option, and it took them firing me to finally escape.

That exact logic was used against Anita Hill.

Yeah, Susan, the idea is to progress without The Actual By God Blood-in-the-Streets Revolution. You want Trump picking some Supreme Court justices and pushing the entirety of progress back by a couple generations?

As an actual current sex worker, I'm excited (and terrified) to read the comments on these upcoming articles.

It’s true...depression does lie. But it also tells the terrible truths that no one wants to face. That includes the fact that some of us are so damaged from life that there is no point in doing anything. Ever. Some of us are not meant to be. Some of us have talents, intelligence and skills that will remain unrealized.