Inara Serra

YES YES YES you have to love the "his wife is hot so why on earth would he sexually harass anyone?" Because only beautiful women are sexual harassed! Because if men have a girlfriend they have no aggression! Because, hey, he just gave you a compliment, what's the big deal, sugar tits?!?

I hate this man. I hate that he says nothing and people keep talking to him regardless. I hate that people will think this is not inappropriate behavior. I hate that this woman’s looks will now determine whether or not she deserves it. I hate that anyone is asking him this morning to chime in on events, but no one has

Also 5th/14th amendment. Since it is used for extended periods as punishment but no judge or magistrate ever sentenced them to that. And even if it’s a prison the government can’t just confine someone for that long as punishment on top of their punishment without a hearing.

It only creeps me out a little because she seems SO young to me, still. It’s her baby face, she looks about 15. A beautiful 15, sure, but... 15.

This is a perfect example of creating a monster and then losing control of your monster while it eats its way through the country.

The word gets thrown out so much that it’s almost like “calling wolf” but it’s actual textbook narcissism. (Though I suspect that a certain degree of narcissism is required to pursue the Presidency.)

Its funny, because a common thing I have heard expressed is that the dominatrix archetype exists purely as a male fantasy, yet here we have a woman saying that posing as about as close to the male fetish figure as it gets is empowering for her.

I think it comes down to the fact that, sexually, most men are not all that conscious of themselves. I think most women of a certain age would shudder at the thought of juxtaposing their older bodies with that of a nubile young man’s, but similar thoughts don’t seem to occur to older men.

Well shit look at the environment, it’s like post world war 1 France. The women are desperate for companionship and the men have all of these women throwing themselves at them.

I just retched. Sure, it's kind of an ego boost when someone thinks your significant other is hot, but you're the one who has to spend time with them. I'm cynical as all hell but those guys....If they're indicative of how most older guys are then I'd rather just throw in the towel now.

Tell me about it. It’s pretty bad when you’re not even 30 and you’re like, yup, I’m really going to have to ensure that my dog outlives me. Somehow.

I literally hate everyone you’ve been on dates with recently because they all suck so many bags of hairy balls.

Ugh, that reminds me of a date I went on ( years ago) I was 26 and he was 32. He told me “26 is the best age to date, by 27 women start to get clingy and want to settle down.”He was unemployed and walked 8 miles to get to our date because he didn’t want to pay subway fare.

Wow, this sounds like a nightmare and I'm sorry that happened to you! The dating scene is so depressing.

Sounds like you are dating in rich or famous circles where men have that choice? Scott is famous, FAMOUS. Rarely see those big age differences in the real world, unless its a rich/famous/big presence dude or a really attractive man for his age. A lot of men fantasize about dating the younger girl but lets face it,

I have to ask, are you in LA? Or at least southern ca?

He’s a narcissist and when it became evident that she might actually have needs and the focus wasn’t going to be totally on him he bailed. The dude’s been married 4 times, he’s generally a jerk from all appearances, and dam, he needs to lay off the plastic surgery. He’s looking like one of my aunts.

I dunno, at this point I feel pretty comfortable asserting that Fitz does not deserve love.

“ Things just went too far and someone got scared”

Nothing like seeing beautiful people in a beautiful location mugging up their beautiful(?) relationship to make one all depressed in the morning.