Inara Serra

welp this is what happens when we collectively obsess over the sexuality of barely-pubescent girls. Fuck this guy in particular, but fuck the culture that encourages his fucked-uped-ness.

This fucking asshole for sure sees himself as a victim. How can this be the world we live in?

I read some of the linked articles and the victim repeatedly referenced being afraid of offending him and of causing a fuss. That resonated with me HARD, and judging by the comments on those articles, I’m not alone.

Trump runs same exact ad ending with “Americans for Trump”, wins another primary.

Submissives have the real power. That’s a fact. But she’s a survivor so whatever she needs to do to heal I’m for it unless it involves non-consensual violence.

Those dogs are all inferior to Henri, the chihuahua/rat terrier.

As a general rule I don’t comment on people’s bodies EVER. I once was standing next to a friend when someone came up and gave him a hug and said “OMG you look great! Did you lose weight?” And he had to say “Um, yeah. I spent a month in the hospital and almost died. Oh and I quit smoking.” So awkward. So much cringing.

Or, we’re going to have to stop equating value to sexual behavior, and in particular stop believing that increased sexual behavior implies decreased “value” for a woman. Full stop.

My prize winner Lucy

Here’s a good dog too! 13 years young *heart emoji*

Point of order: This is a very good dog too.

I hear what you are saying. Maybe he is going through more personally that he doesn’t want to talk about publicly. I don’t necessarily think it’s a weird statement that someone you have spent 30 years with would feel like a spouse.

Thanks for these frank comments, it’s really interesting. Plenty of parallels for all kinds of hetero relationships. Lots of men are nice to women because that’s how they get what they want, and the rage/sad that ensues when that stops working for whatever reason is pretty telling. I know I’ve done it, been called out

I have the same reaction to Donald Trump as I do to these young men who, accused of rape and, in several instances, found “guilty” to an extent sufficient to warrant some sort of punishment, sue people. (That guy from Columbia tried to sue on the basis that HIS rights, as accused rapist, should have been protected by

I’m a dominant woman, too, and I think your response is right on. I don’t think this piece necessarily precludes a conversation about dominant women and submissive men, though. Rather, to me, it seems like a great place to start these conversations.

Thank you for this reply, your thoughts as a Domme are really interesting to me. I also found this troubling, for very personal reasons.

Well, it certainly isn’t feminist to police a woman’s voluntary sexual behavior by telling her that she’s “degrading” herself. What’s degrading is when people refuse to allow a grown-ass woman to decide for herself what she likes!

Thank you for this! This was my feeling when I saw the article last night but I was too tired to voice it. Clicking the star next to someone else who says my opinion for me is much more my lazy style.

This is a great post. I accept that artistically and visually it is a striking way for her to demonstrate her reclamation of feelings of control, but your discussion of actual power within BDSM dynamics is great. Critical thought without the inherent general value judgements that can often be found here.

TL;DR: no matter what a woman is, men are hung upon their dicks.